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 Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss

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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss Empty
PostSubject: Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss   Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 6:31 pm

Looks like on top of everything else he's got on his plate, President Obama is going to have to start looking for a new Homeland Security chief, because the current one's about to quit:

Fox News wrote:
Janet Napolitano is resigning as head of the Homeland Security Department and seeking a post as president of the University of California, the long-time Obama confidant announced Friday.

Officials told Fox News that Napolitano does not plan to leave her post until September. But she announced the move on Friday after it began to break in the media, revealing that she has been nominated to lead the California university system.

"For more than four years I have had the privilege of serving President Obama and his Administration as the Secretary of Homeland Security," she said in a statement. "The opportunity to work with the dedicated men and women of the Department of Homeland Security, who serve on the frontlines of our nation's efforts to protect our communities and families from harm, has been the highlight of my professional career. We have worked together to minimize threats of all kinds to the American public."

And on that note, I'd be interested to hear what y'all think of Secretary Napolitano's imminent departure from the Obama cabinet.
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Armbiter of Good Fanfiction
Armbiter of Good Fanfiction

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Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss Empty
PostSubject: Re: Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss   Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 8:08 pm

Posting in a Chris thread. This post officially has more meaningful content than the OP.
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Mikey Go WOOGA
Mikey Go WOOGA

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Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss Empty
PostSubject: Re: Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss   Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 8:21 pm

This give Obama an opportunity to nominate someone competent, someone who will actually DO the job, to replace here.

Which is going to make it much more disappointing when he doesn't.
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Join date : 2009-07-18
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Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss Empty
PostSubject: Re: Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss   Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 2:05 pm

Of rats and ships.
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Join date : 2009-06-17
Age : 40

Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss Empty
PostSubject: Re: Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss   Napolitano resigning as Homeland Security boss EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 9:45 pm

I don't care that she's leaving her Homeland Security role. I do care that she's supposedly going to be running the UC system.

I have no idea why they think she's qualified to run the UC; the general reason being given is that her political skill will help this mess, which would be great if this was solely a government agency to be brought into line, but this is a massive educational and research system--it needs a little more than just political maneuvering to make things work here. But we'll see what happens. Best case scenario, she rises to the occasion. Worst case scenario, I only have to ride it out for another 2-3 years.

And this all was decided in secret by the Regents, who have consistently proven themselves only barely qualified to be making decisions more serious than where to go for lunch.
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