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 Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen

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Mikey Go WOOGA
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Shitgobbling pissdrinker
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 10:57 pm

Really, people, really?

Quote :
…A 15 year old girl was followed by 4 other teenagers, 3 girls and a boy. The 15 year old girl ran up to the security guards and told them she was being followed and felt she was in danger. Just then she was attacked by one of the girls following her. The three guards did nothing. One of the guards even turned and walked away!

This is a blog posting btw, not an actuall news source. But they do have the video linked.

Quote :
The worst part was the 15 year old was beaten so bad she was knocked unconscious and had to be hospitalized. She was repeatedly kicked in the head while the three Guards looked on. The 4 teenagers got away with the 15 year old girls purse, phone and iPod.

These guards were unarmed and given orders not to interfere in fights. Which leads me to ask why have guards?

Seriously guys? Seriously? It leaves a bad taste in my mouth when you won't lift a finger for a child.
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Ugh   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 11:05 pm

Yea, they're given orders to just report and observe but I think saving a teenager from being nearly killed is worth possibly losing your job over. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Shitgobbling pissdrinker
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 11:11 pm

*sigh* I really don't understand people. If people are fighting in front of me, I try and break it up. And I'm not and never have been a security guard. What's the point of paying guards to stand around and use walkie talkies?
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 1:58 am

Chaltab wrote:
*sigh* I really don't understand people. If people are fighting in front of me, I try and break it up. And I'm not and never have been a security guard. What's the point of paying guards to stand around and use walkie talkies?
I think they're actually just paid to be there. Nobody would be naughty in front of a guy with a walkie talkie, right? Rolling Eyes
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Global Nomad
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 7:05 am

I saw this on the news a few days ago. As I recall, the girl went to the hospital and was treated for a lot of bruising and possibly a broken rib, but is otherwise all right, which is happy. And I believe all of the teens involved in the beating are now in police custody.

Even assuming the security guards couldn't intervene for whatever reason (one of them gets itty-bitty props for calling 911, but seriously), I'm kind of astonished that no one else jumped in to help this girl. Surely someone could have done something.
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 11:53 am

Lokiraze wrote:
I think saving a teenager from being nearly killed is worth possibly losing your job over.
Unfortunately, anymore, losing their jobs would have been a certainty, and worse consequences could have followed. For doing nothing, they're protected from lawsuits, which they wouldn't have been had they intervened (nor would they have had support from the company). They may even have opened themselves up to criminal charges, which could have ruined their lives even if acquitted.

Now, that said, if these were security officers, why were their duties such that they were prevented from actually enforcing security? I'm not going to blame the three there but whoever decided that three unarmed people with instructions against intervening equaled adequate security.

Also, The Seattle Times listed those charged as the fifteen-year-old girl, and three men between eighteen and twenty.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 12:12 pm

Drabbler, OBE wrote:
Now, that said, if these were security officers, why were their duties such that they were prevented from actually enforcing security? I'm not going to blame the three there but whoever decided that three unarmed people with instructions against intervening equaled adequate security.

This. Also, what about Good Samaritan-type laws, couldn't that protect someone from criminal charges if they got involved in a fight to protect someone being wailed on?

Also, they really should have alerted a cop, who I doubt would have hesitated to break up the beating, with force, if need be.

Quote :
Also, The Seattle Times listed those charged as the fifteen-year-old girl, and three men between eighteen and twenty.

Yeah... in all honesty, I don't blame bystanders for not getting involved in that. A lot of people wouldn't know how to protect themselves in using force in breaking up a fight like that, and they would just make it worse because then someone else would be getting beaten up. But still, 911 and the cops should have been called, at the least.
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 12:24 pm

Quote :
Also, what about Good Samaritan-type laws

I think those laws only exist when someone is in danger of dying and you hurt them in the process of saving their lives (i.e. you can't be sued for cracking someone's ribs while trying to perform CPR on them). It's totally different for a contract between an employer and his employee, which is what the guards were afraid of. If you breach the contract, you're fired good deeds or not.

I don't know if I'm entirely right, though.

Quote :

Also, they really should have alerted a cop, who I doubt would have hesitated to break up the beating, with force, if need be.

This. The moment anyone claims they're threatened or afraid of being attacked someone should call the police.
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Global Nomad
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 12:28 pm

Malganis wrote:
Drabbler, OBE wrote:
Now, that said, if these were security officers, why were their duties such that they were prevented from actually enforcing security? I'm not going to blame the three there but whoever decided that three unarmed people with instructions against intervening equaled adequate security.
This. Also, what about Good Samaritan-type laws, couldn't that protect someone from criminal charges if they got involved in a fight to protect someone being wailed on?
Security guards, in most places, are there for the look of the thing, which is a deterrent for the vast majority of people. I've always thought this policy was a bit dumb because of the potential for this sort of situation, but there you go.

Malganis wrote:
Also, they really should have alerted a cop, who I doubt would have hesitated to break up the beating, with force, if need be.
They did call the cops.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 6:30 pm

KelinciHutan wrote:
I saw this on the news a few days ago. As I recall, the girl went to the hospital and was treated for a lot of bruising and possibly a broken rib, but is otherwise all right, which is happy. And I believe all of the teens involved in the beating are now in police custody.

Even assuming the security guards couldn't intervene for whatever reason (one of them gets itty-bitty props for calling 911, but seriously), I'm kind of astonished that no one else jumped in to help this girl. Surely someone could have done something.

A well-timed taser hit might have made those three little bastards think twice.
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Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker

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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 8:18 pm

Mafiosa wrote:
Quote :

Also, they really should have alerted a cop, who I doubt would have hesitated to break up the beating, with force, if need be.

This. The moment anyone claims they're threatened or afraid of being attacked someone should call the police.
I read from another source that this whole ordeal was building up to that point for a few hours, and before the girl went down to the bus station she had asked cops for an escort home, after telling them that she was being harassed and had to pepperspray the other girl that attacked her. They told her that it wasn't really a problem unless there was a death threat and sent her down to the bus, where she proceeded to get the shit kicked out of her.

Basically, everyone who is actually paid to prevent situations like this failed this girl in miserable ways, the forreal-real police included.
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You crack me up, little buddy!
You crack me up, little buddy!

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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 8:28 pm

Bamshalam wrote:
Mafiosa wrote:
Quote :

Also, they really should have alerted a cop, who I doubt would have hesitated to break up the beating, with force, if need be.

This. The moment anyone claims they're threatened or afraid of being attacked someone should call the police.
I read from another source that this whole ordeal was building up to that point for a few hours, and before the girl went down to the bus station she had asked cops for an escort home, after telling them that she was being harassed and had to pepperspray the other girl that attacked her. They told her that it wasn't really a problem unless there was a death threat and sent her down to the bus, where she proceeded to get the shit kicked out of her.

Basically, everyone who is actually paid to prevent situations like this failed this girl in miserable ways, the forreal-real police included.
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humanity get out of my house you disgust me
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyTue Feb 16, 2010 4:35 am

IIRC she was receiving blows to the head. That's deadly force. Those security guards -and anyone else- would have been legally protected if they'd stepped in to stop the violence.

There's no excuse for the guards' inaction. It's a good thing no matter what Nickels tried, Washington state law preempts city law in matters of self-defense.
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Dr. Quinzel
Dr. Quinzel

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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyTue Feb 16, 2010 1:03 pm

God, this is awful. I can only imagine how terrified this girl was, especially when she was seeking out help and wasn't given any. Add in the fact that they just watched her get beaten senseless and her stuff stolen, and I'm betting she's going to really hate authority figures (and for good reason).

I mean, they didn't do anything to stop them? No yelling at them to leave her alone or anything? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyTue Feb 16, 2010 2:24 pm

Chaltab wrote:
*sigh* I really don't understand people. If people are fighting in front of me, I try and break it up.
That's great, but for most people it's best not to intervene physically, especially if you're alone and there are four people doing the beating. Having said that the security guards could have started yelling, at the very least.

Chris91 wrote:
A well-timed taser hit might have made those three little bastards think twice.
Oh yes Chris. Let's give tasers to fucking Rent-a-Cops, who will surely use them properly and only when necessary. It's not as if ACTUAL POLICE OFFICERS have come under scrutiny for misuse of such a potentially deadly weapon.

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Mikey Go WOOGA
Mikey Go WOOGA

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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyTue Feb 16, 2010 2:37 pm

Cyberwulf wrote:
Chaltab wrote:
*sigh* I really don't understand people. If people are fighting in front of me, I try and break it up.

That's great, but for most people it's best not to intervene physically, especially if you're alone and there are four people doing the beating. Having said that the security guards could have started yelling, at the very least.

Only one of them was actually attacking the kid, if this is the video I saw on the news. It was the 15 year old girl. There were three fully grown men who could have stopped her.

The odds were heavily in their favor. They lack cahones like Jim Caldwell lacks cahones.

The 15 year old could have been a goddamn black belt ninja with the Kamehameha Wave and they STILL would have had an advantage.

Besides, these are security guards. TYPICALLY, getting involved in scraps between other people is part of the job. At least in America, where most people have spines.
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Just Chipper
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyWed Feb 17, 2010 10:29 am

^ Not if they're getting paid either way. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more "Security Guards" like these guys, who are probably just out looking for quick cash by doing little work.

ZoZo wrote:
Chaltab wrote:
*sigh* I really don't understand people. If people are fighting in front of me, I try and break it up. And I'm not and never have been a security guard. What's the point of paying guards to stand around and use walkie talkies?
I think they're actually just paid to be there. Nobody would be naughty in front of a guy with a walkie talkie, right? Rolling Eyes
Not if this were in a George Lucas film remake. Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen 588739
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Harley Quinn hyenaholic
Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyWed Feb 17, 2010 11:03 am

If it was one guy against that gang, okay, I can let that go. But there were three of them, in their uniforms, on duty. They should have been able to at least scare that gang off.

Americans are rapidly getting a bad stereotype of being horribly apathetic - that they just don't care about getting involved unless there's something in it for them.
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Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker

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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyWed Feb 17, 2010 12:22 pm

Harley Quinn hyenaholic wrote:
Americans are rapidly getting a bad stereotype of being horribly apathetic - that they just don't care about getting involved unless there's something in it for them.

At least we don't actively prosecute people for defending themselves.
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyWed Feb 17, 2010 12:33 pm

gaijinguy wrote:
Harley Quinn hyenaholic wrote:
Americans are rapidly getting a bad stereotype of being horribly apathetic - that they just don't care about getting involved unless there's something in it for them.

At least we don't actively prosecute people for defending themselves.

Themselves, and others.
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You crack me up, little buddy!

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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyWed Feb 17, 2010 12:59 pm

Harley Quinn hyenaholic wrote:
If it was one guy against that gang, okay, I can let that go. But there were three of them, in their uniforms, on duty. They should have been able to at least scare that gang off.

Americans are rapidly getting a bad stereotype of being horribly apathetic - that they just don't care about getting involved unless there's something in it for them.

If only those security guard had guns. Trollface
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Harley Quinn hyenaholic
Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach
Harley Quinn hyenaholic

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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyThu Feb 18, 2010 7:04 am

Yeah, Mafi, great idea. Then they could have killed one of those kids attacking the girl. THAT would sure have scared them off.
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My Mescaline
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyThu Feb 18, 2010 7:25 am

Harley Quinn hyenaholic wrote:
Yeah, Mafi, great idea. Then they could have killed one of those kids attacking the girl. THAT would sure have scared them off.

Harley, if they use a smiley face (such as Trollface or Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen 961878 ) after, before or during making an outrageous statement, they are either being sarcastic, trying to start wank, or both. Just a heads up.
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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyThu Feb 18, 2010 8:54 am

Harley Quinn hyenaholic wrote:
Yeah, Mafi, great idea. Then they could have killed one of those kids attacking the girl. THAT would sure have scared them off.

See? Everybody wins!
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Mikey Go WOOGA
Mikey Go WOOGA

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Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen EmptyThu Feb 18, 2010 8:57 pm

Harley Quinn hyenaholic wrote:
Yeah, Mafi, great idea. Then they could have killed one of those kids attacking the girl. THAT would sure have scared them off.

Well, you proved me wrong. When I read Mafi's post I thought to myself, I thought, "Even Harley isn't stupid enough to fall for this."

It turns out you are stupid enough to fall for it. Even you, you doughy, toaster fucking, self diagnosed idiot, are better than this.
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PostSubject: Re: Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen   Three grown security guards too pansyass to save assaulted teen Empty

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