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 Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security

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Disco Stu
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Disco Stu
Disco Stu

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Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security Empty
PostSubject: Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security   Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security EmptySat Aug 24, 2013 6:59 pm

I'm sure you've been reading and seeing this in the news lately... what do you think of it? What do you think of how they've been treating her? Is it justifiable? Or rather, to what extent?

I don't know. However they'd better give her fucking hormones, man. Because if seriously coming unhinged due to GID resulted in this breach of national security, maybe it would result in a greater understanding of what trans people go through and that it's not just some fetish thing, and that her treatment would be medically necessary.

Buuuuuuut, I don't know what any of you think regarding this, and it would be interesting to read about. Discuss!
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Join date : 2009-07-18
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Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security   Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security EmptySat Aug 24, 2013 7:23 pm

Traitors aren't entitled to more than a blindfold and a cigarette. But since they decided to go easy on this oxygen thief, there really is no justification not to provide the therapy.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security   Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security EmptySat Aug 24, 2013 11:26 pm

All I know is that all my FB libertarian/socialist internet warrior friends who could post nothing but picture after picture in support of Chelsea have suddenly stopped.

I wish her the best, because I can't imagine a worse time to come out as a FtM transgender then when you're about to be sent to a men's prison as a traitor.
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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

Join date : 2009-06-10

Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security   Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 3:15 am

Disco Stu wrote:
if seriously coming unhinged due to GID resulted in this breach of national security
I haven't been following this very closely (and I don't think it's really on the news over here). Did they say there was a causal relation between the two? How is your gender tied into wikileaks? Explain.

Penguin wrote:
Traitors aren't entitled to more than a blindfold and a cigarette. But since they decided to go easy on this oxygen thief, there really is no justification not to provide the therapy.
From what little I have read, that's not really an option. Like, some counseling, but nothing beyond that.

Mr.Doobie wrote:
I wish her the best, because I can't imagine a worse time to come out as a FtM transgender then when you're about to be sent to a men's prison as a traitor.
And the end of the day, this. Jesus, I don't envy her.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security   Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 3:50 am

Mama wrote:
I haven't been following this very closely (and I don't think it's really on the news over here). Did they say there was a causal relation between the two? How is your gender tied into wikileaks? Explain.
I think you could make some kind of argument that being transgender in the military especially during the era of "don't ask don't tell" would naturally put you under quite a bit of stress which may lead to some rather unorthodox behavior. I mean, I for one can't possibly think of a reason why she would've leaked that info except "lol trannies be cray cray".

Not saying that it had nothing to do with it, but I can certainly see some people latching onto this as the scapegoat.

With that said I've actually avoided looking too close at what people have to say about this latest revelation since transgender people are one of the last groups it's still ok to say completely monstrous things about in public. Add onto the fact that she's a traitor?

.... Yeah I ain't readin' that shit.
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Join date : 2009-07-18
Location : Wild Gray Yonder

Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security   Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 12:44 pm

Mr.Doobie wrote:
I think you could make some kind of argument that being transgender in the military especially during the era of "don't ask don't tell" would naturally put you under quite a bit of stress which may lead to some rather unorthodox behavior.
There would be that... and she was a complete basketcase loser on top of it. Every indication throughout her bio basically shows the Army should've shat her out at Basic, and several times before the Wikileaks incident, and didn't.
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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

Join date : 2009-06-10

Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security   Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 1:20 pm

Penguin wrote:
Mr.Doobie wrote:
I think you could make some kind of argument that being transgender in the military especially during the era of "don't ask don't tell" would naturally put you under quite a bit of stress which may lead to some rather unorthodox behavior.
There would be that... and she was a complete basketcase loser on top of it.
Actually -not that I would know, but that's what I've read- it's not that uncommon for trans women to join the military as some sort of desperate measure to be the men they're supposed to be. 'Unorthodox behavior' sounds like she snapped and did something stupid, when actually it seems like that had been a long time coming, so I'm not sure you can really link the two.

Quote :
Every indication throughout her bio basically shows the Army should've shat her out at Basic, and several times before the Wikileaks incident, and didn't.
You're not alone in that opinion:

Quote :
they did not allow her to receive adequate mental-health treatment. There had been a history of incidents between 2008 and 2010, at least half a dozen. Anything that would lead to her being separated from the army would lead to them losing another analyst, when they were already understaffed.

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Mikey Go WOOGA
Mikey Go WOOGA

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Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security   Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 5:46 pm

My first thought on seeing the thread title was, "I didn't know Peyton and Eli had another brother. I wonder if he has the family forehead."

Spoonman wrote:
I think you could make some kind of argument that being transgender in the military especially during the era of "don't ask don't tell" would naturally put you under quite a bit of stress which may lead to some rather unorthodox behavior.
I think you could make some kind of argument that being in the goddamn military would naturally put you under quite a bit of stress, which everyone else seemed to manage with much better than this fool.

This is why women shouldn't be in the military. Colbert 
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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

Join date : 2009-06-10

Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security   Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 6:43 am

Mikey Go WOOGA wrote:
This is why women shouldn't be in the military. Colbert 
I'll have you know that I laughed out loud at this. Who else could manage being completely inclusive and completely douchey at the same time?

....Ahhhh, Mikey, only you. Only you. <3
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Disco Stu
Disco Stu

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Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security   Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 8:24 am

grmblfjx wrote:
Mikey Go WOOGA wrote:
This is why women shouldn't be in the military. Colbert 
I'll have you know that I laughed out loud at this. Who else could manage being completely inclusive and completely douchey at the same time?

....Ahhhh, Mikey, only you. Only you. <3
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Kari Izumi

Join date : 2009-07-07
Age : 38

Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security   Bradley/Chelsea Manning and the issue of national security EmptyTue Sep 03, 2013 10:37 am

Penguin wrote:
Mr.Doobie wrote:
I think you could make some kind of argument that being transgender in the military especially during the era of "don't ask don't tell" would naturally put you under quite a bit of stress which may lead to some rather unorthodox behavior.
There would be that... and she was a complete basketcase loser on top of it. Every indication throughout her bio basically shows the Army should've shat her out at Basic, and several times before the Wikileaks incident, and didn't.
She was set up for separation in boot camp, but somehow got a reprieve.

But this is not uncommon for the military to turn a blind eye to red flag behavior because of the stupid mentality that having a body at a post, no matter how much of a waste of energy, is better than none at all. I've seen far too many examples of this thinking while stationed in Japan. This seems like the most extreme result of that mentality.
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