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 "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...

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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 7:37 am

The New York State court system is about to prosecute its first "50 Shades Of Grey"-related criminal case.

New York Post wrote:
She enjoyed the daily morning whippings — but she did not like being kicked to the curb by her beloved master.

Frankie Santiago embraced a role as live-in fetish slave to dominating Manhattan investment-banker beau Edward Sonderling, playing out a bondage fantasy similar to college student Anastasia Steele and older Christian Grey in the erotic novel “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

But it all took a twisted turn when Santiago, 27, found out Sonderling, 53, had been training his whips on her replacement.

The submissive Santiago exploded in a fit of rage, law-enforcement sources said, allegedy shattering Sonderling’s car windshield and bombarding him with dozens of text threats. “If I ever see you with her I will not hold back. I have nothing to lose,” Santiago railed in one text. “I hope she has a disease you catch.”

Santiago — who is known in the bondage-domination S&M community as Althea Lyn — was arrested Monday after what sources said was a knock-down, drag-out fight with Sonderling at the East 57th Street apartment where she once did his daily bidding.

I'm guessing Ms. Santiago is seriously considering a career change right about now...
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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 8:48 am

The essence of the story is that a guy cheated, or was perceived as cheating, and a woman flew into a jealous rage over it. Their actual bedroom activities don't really have any bearing on it, much less some stupid book that probably had next to nothing in common with these people's actual lives. Sensationalist reporting at its finest.

Last edited by grmblfjx on Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:11 am; edited 1 time in total
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 9:09 am

..... Where does it say their activities were at all inspired by a book?
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 9:31 am

Mr.Doobie wrote:
..... Where does it say their activities were at all inspired by a book?

In the second line of the Post story; I've taken the liberty of italicizing the relevant portion.

New York Post wrote:
Frankie Santiago embraced a role as live-in fetish slave to dominating Manhattan investment-banker beau Edward Sonderling, playing out a bondage fantasy similar to college student Anastasia Steele and older Christian Grey in the erotic novel “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

So maybe they weren't acting the book out word for word, but it definitely influenced their private lives to some degree.
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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 9:53 am

Chris91 wrote:
Mr.Doobie wrote:
..... Where does it say their activities were at all inspired by a book?

In the second line of the Post story; I've taken the liberty of italicizing the relevant portion.

New York Post wrote:
Frankie Santiago embraced a role as live-in fetish slave to dominating Manhattan investment-banker beau Edward Sonderling, playing out a bondage fantasy similar to college student Anastasia Steele and older Christian Grey in the erotic novel “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

So maybe they weren't acting the book out word for word, but it definitely influenced their private lives to some degree.

Or, y'know, they had their own D/s thing going on, and some journalist decided that it had to have something to do with a crappy book.
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Hot Cancer
Hot Cancer

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 10:11 am

grmblfjx wrote:
The essence of the story is that a guy cheated, or was perceived as cheating, and a woman flew into a jealous rage over it. Their actual bedroom activities don't really have any bearing on it, much less some stupid book that probably had next to nothing in comon with these people's actual lives. Sensationalist reporting at its finest.
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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 10:18 am

myeerah wrote:
Chris91 wrote:
New York Post wrote:
a bondage fantasy similar to college student Anastasia Steele and older Christian Grey in the erotic novel “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

So maybe they weren't acting the book out word for word, but it definitely influenced their private lives to some degree.

Or, y'know, they had their own D/s thing going on, and some journalist decided that it had to have something to do with a crappy book.

For all you know these two had had this going since long before the book came out.

There is zero causal relationship there. I mean I think this is shitty reporting, but even that shitty reporter never actually said or even implied that they were doing it because of Fifty Shades of Grey, they said similar to. Words, Chris, learn them.
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Hot Cancer
Hot Cancer

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 10:22 am

It's quite clear that what Chris wants is for someone to bash someone else over the head repeatedly with a copy of Fifty Shades roaring "I AM CHRISTIAN GREY!!! FEEL MY KINKY BOOK BASHING!!!" so it's withdrawn from circulation.

Don't think you're going to get it, for some reason.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 10:31 am

So, what, now S&M just didn't exist before 50 Shades?

And from what I've seen (which amounts to 1 or 2 paragraphs and Gilbert Gottfried reading it and two of my roommates complaining about it) there doesn't even seem to be that much S&M in it. And the S&M they do have doesn't play with safety words or much respect for consent. In fact, from what I've heard, the relationship in the book is pretty abusive.

Side question, isn't 50 Shades of Gray the book that gave us toilet paper bondage?

EDIT: because I don't know what "tertiary" means....

Last edited by Mr.Doobie on Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 10:38 am

grmblfjx wrote:
For all you know these two had had this going since long before the book came out.

You may be right.

@HC: Nobody needs to force "Grey" to be pulled from circulation...it's so mind-blowingly horrendous it'll disappear on its own. "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... 611762

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Hot Cancer
Hot Cancer

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 10:41 am

Chris91 wrote:

@HC: Nobody needs to force "Grey" to be pulled from circulation...it's so mind-blowingly horrendous it'll disappear on its own. "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... 611762

Unfortunately, that is definitely not going to happen.

How many millions of copies has that shitpile sold by now?
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 10:50 am

I don't even want to think about it. *shudder*
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Recovering Fanbrat
Recovering Fanbrat

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 10:51 am

I think it's a fad that will eventually die down.

Maybe in a year or so.
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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 10:55 am

Hot Cancer wrote:
It's quite clear that what Chris wants is for someone to bash someone else over the head repeatedly with a copy of Fifty Shades roaring "I AM CHRISTIAN GREY!!! FEEL MY KINKY BOOK BASHING!!!" so it's withdrawn from circulation.
You know, I'm actually with him on that.

Mr.Doobie wrote:
Side question, isn't 50 Shades of Gray the book that gave us toilet paper bondage?
In a somewhat roundabout way- I think it was actually Cosmo who came up with it. Because bondage is now mainstream and has to be included in the sex tips, but you gotta keep it vanilla!!
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Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 12:12 pm

EileenK98 wrote:
I think it's a fad that will eventually die down.

Maybe in a year or so.

After the movie is made.
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Mikey Go WOOGA
Mikey Go WOOGA

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 12:18 pm

Chris91 wrote:
grmblfjx wrote:
For all you know these two had had this going since long before the book came out.

You may be right.

@HC: Nobody needs to force "Grey" to be pulled from circulation...it's so mind-blowingly horrendous it'll disappear on its own. "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... 611762

Bad things that still continue despite every sane person knowing that they, at they're very core, are utter shit:

Professional Sports in Ohio
Joe Biden
Johnny Miller
The Lifetime Channel
David Letterman

I don't think 50 Shades of Grey is going to disappear that easily. Colbert
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Somath Cegem
Wonderfully English
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Somath Cegem

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 1:34 pm

Sakurelf wrote:
EileenK98 wrote:
I think it's a fad that will eventually die down.

Maybe in a year or so.

After the movie is made.

Oh that thing is gonna bomb so hard, I mean you can't get around that a good 3rd of the book is the two (and I use the term really loosely) protagonists fucking in increasing daft ass ways.
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Behind Blue Eyes
Behind Blue Eyes

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 1:41 pm

...Didn't stop them making 9½ Weeks.
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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 1:45 pm

Somath Cegem wrote:
Sakurelf wrote:
EileenK98 wrote:
I think it's a fad that will eventually die down.

Maybe in a year or so.

After the movie is made.

Oh that thing is gonna bomb so hard
No it won't. That's what's fucked up. If the book sold that many copies, of course people are gonna see the film. Not to mention all the people who are going to go to the film because HUR HUR ALL THE FUCKING only to be disappointed when all they see are entwined legs in soft focus with the occasional shot of the actress pulling a sex doll face.
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The Word Police
The Word Police

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 1:49 pm

Cyberwulf wrote:
Somath Cegem wrote:
Sakurelf wrote:
EileenK98 wrote:
I think it's a fad that will eventually die down.

Maybe in a year or so.

After the movie is made.

Oh that thing is gonna bomb so hard
No it won't. That's what's fucked up. If the book sold that many copies, of course people are gonna see the film. Not to mention all the people who are going to go to the film because HUR HUR ALL THE FUCKING only to be disappointed when all they see are entwined legs in soft focus with the occasional shot of the actress pulling a sex doll face.

Heyheyhey. There'll be some shirtless male action too!
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Somath Cegem
Wonderfully English
Wonderfully English
Somath Cegem

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 2:20 pm

Cyberwulf wrote:
Somath Cegem wrote:
Sakurelf wrote:
EileenK98 wrote:
I think it's a fad that will eventually die down.

Maybe in a year or so.

After the movie is made.

Oh that thing is gonna bomb so hard
No it won't. That's what's fucked up. If the book sold that many copies, of course people are gonna see the film. Not to mention all the people who are going to go to the film because HUR HUR ALL THE FUCKING only to be disappointed when all they see are entwined legs in soft focus with the occasional shot of the actress pulling a sex doll face.

Anybody claiming not going to see the film because of all the fucking is kidding themselves just as much as teh people who claim they read the book for any reason other than it's badly written porn but omg you're right arn't you this shit is the new twilight and it's gonna be around until I'm 30 FFS!
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 2:56 pm

Quote :
for any reason other than it's badly written porn

Or because it's popular, and popular = worth reading. At least to some people.

I think that's what made Twilight and Harry Potter what they were.

EDIT: because calling it porn is an insult to porn....
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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 4:17 pm

Cyberwulf wrote:
Not to mention all the people who are going to go to the film because HUR HUR ALL THE FUCKING only to be disappointed when all they see are entwined legs in soft focus with the occasional shot of the actress pulling a sex doll face.

...what's stopping them from watching actual BDSM fucking for free online? Without the awkward company of several dozen people?
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 4:28 pm

Sakurelf wrote:
EileenK98 wrote:
I think it's a fad that will eventually die down.

Maybe in a year or so.

After the movie is made.

And tanks so bad with audiences the director has to go into hiding. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Mikey Go WOOGA
Mikey Go WOOGA

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"Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong...   "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 6:20 pm

Somath Cegem wrote:
Sakurelf wrote:
EileenK98 wrote:
I think it's a fad that will eventually die down.

Maybe in a year or so.

After the movie is made.

Oh that thing is gonna bomb so hard, I mean you can't get around that a good 3rd of the book is the two (and I use the term really loosely) protagonists fucking in increasing daft ass ways.

Maybe the worst book ever will be the basis for the BEST PORN EVER!

Seriously, think about it. Anyone who has READ the goddamn book clearly doesn't have much issue with porn. So they make the movie true to the book, make a porn that ends up accepted by the mainstream, and as a result, Porn becomes the new "Drama" and the Oscars start giving awards for the best oral performance by a supporting actress. "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... 588739

Mr.Doobie wrote:
Quote :
for any reason other than it's badly written porn

Or because it's popular, and popular = worth reading. At least to some people.

I think that's what made Twilight and Harry Potter what they were.

EDIT: because calling it porn is an insult to porn....

THANK YOU! I mean, putting Harry Potter in a group with Twilight and 50 Shades is an insult to Harry Potter, but HP really wasn't THAT good. The books were solid, the movies were all right, all together it wasn't a waste of time and effort, but it really was 85% hype and 15% substance.

It's really about the target audience. Harry Potter's audience was a bunch of kids and chubby teenage girls (read: idiots). Twilight and 50 Shades' audience is chubby teenage girls and sexually unsatisfied, overweight soccer moms with WAY too much free time (read: bigger idiots). When was the last time you saw a bunch of grown ass men camping out bookstores until midnight dressed like fictional characters?

My point is that women and children are morons and shouldn't be allowed to have opinions on anything other than cooking and Spongebob. "Grey"-inspired S&M fantasy goes utterly wrong... 588739
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