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 Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME

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7 posters

Which snark was the best in your opinion?
Entry 1 - Lover of Power, Hater of Grammar
Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Vote_lcap28%Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Vote_rcap
 28% [ 5 ]
Entry 2 - Lara's Underground
Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Vote_lcap22%Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Vote_rcap
 22% [ 4 ]
Entry 3 - Thank Godzilla!
Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Vote_lcap50%Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Vote_rcap
 50% [ 9 ]
Total Votes : 18
Poll closed

Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman

Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 34
Location : Home of the peanuts.

Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Empty
PostSubject: Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME   Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME EmptySat Jan 16, 2010 8:59 pm

All right, people. Here's the poll for the Anonymous Snark Challenge. There are three entries posted in New Releases right now, linked below.

Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3

Please read the snarks, leave the anonymous authors some comments, and then vote on which one you think is the best of the three in the poll above. I will close the poll in about a week to make sure everyone gets a chance to vote, and then I will announce who wrote which snark. Feel free to discuss in this thread if you like, but please have some respect for the authors, and pay them some credit for actually taking the time to participate in my neglected challenge.

Remember to focus on which you found wittiest/funniest, which was the most comprehensive, and which you think was the most well-rounded. Have fun with it, please.

I sure am grateful. Thank you, anons!
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Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman

Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 34
Location : Home of the peanuts.

Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME   Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME EmptyWed Jan 27, 2010 11:23 pm

Okay, people, bumping this thread to announce the winner of the Anonymous Snark challenge!

The winner is - Raine! Good job, Raine, on your snark Thank Godzilla! (Hope you don't mind I just took the liberty of throwing a name on it. Ehehehe, sorry. Was in a hurry to get them up.)

Everyone, congratulate Raine on her win, and let her know she's awesome and stuff, mmmkay?

As for the others, myeerah is the author of Lover of Power, Hater of Grammar, and the always lovely Knorg delivered Lara's Underground to us.

Thanks very much for participating, guys! I truly appreciate it, and I'm sorry it took this long to really get it finished up.

Now, to add: I'd like to do another round of anony-snarking. I've already got one entry possibly lined up. Would anyone be willing to participate this time around or possibly enter again in the near future? I think maybe everyone would be less busy now that the holidays are out of the way, and I maintain that this is a neat idea. [insert mafi smiley]

Responses, people, I need responses.
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Bastion of Sanity
Bastion of Sanity

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Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME   Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME EmptyWed Jan 27, 2010 11:24 pm

Congratulations Raine!
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You crack me up, little buddy!
You crack me up, little buddy!

Join date : 2009-06-03

Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME   Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME EmptyWed Jan 27, 2010 11:26 pm

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Challenge Winner!
Challenge Winner!

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Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME   Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME EmptyThu Jan 28, 2010 12:32 am

:D Yaaaay!

The only good news after a nightmare week involving crashing computers and bug attacks.
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Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 47

Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME   Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME EmptyThu Jan 28, 2010 9:49 am

Congratulations, Raine!

It killed me that the fic I snarked was taken down. The IKEA porn really was awful, and comprised half the story.
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Behind Blue Eyes
Behind Blue Eyes

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Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME   Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME EmptyThu Jan 28, 2010 11:52 am

Congratulations, Raine on 1st place and good job myeerah on 2nd!
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Los Christabel

Los Christabel

Join date : 2009-10-04

Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME   Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME EmptyMon Feb 08, 2010 8:23 pm

Oh, that was fun. *giggles* Knorg, I loved the Waiting for Godot references, among many other things. If you want to keep writing them, I'll keep reading them!
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Behind Blue Eyes
Behind Blue Eyes

Join date : 2009-06-06
Age : 42
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Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME   Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME EmptyTue Feb 09, 2010 2:49 pm

Heh, thanks - I blush! I blus! - I don't do much snark these days, partly because I don't read too much fanfiction.
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Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME   Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME Empty

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Anonymous Snark VOTE TIIIIIIME
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