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 Feminists made me play video games!

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Rabid Badger
Exodia's Right Leg
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 7:33 am

Concerned Women for America's founder, former FCC special advisor, founder of the Kids First Coalition Penny Young Nance has figured out why I spend so much time playing video games.

Guess whose fault it is?

Quote :
[Post-Feminist culture] has so badly confused males in what their role in life should be that they just never grow up — or man up for that matter [...] [T]eenage boys, ages 12-to-17 years old, actually spend less time playing video games than 18-to-34-year-old men. I can understand the desire to play a video game here and there as a kid, but as an adult? Grow up.

Video Games are for children, dammit!

Quote :
These men should be studying in college, getting a job, and contributing to society through the workforce and family. How in the world do they have time to play video games for hours? The answer is that they just don’t ever grow up.


Quote :
But are women contributing to the demise of the man?

Of course she doesn't mean 'women' there, does she? Not proper women who in her opening paragraph she describes as:

Quote :
Working in an office full of women, many of whom are young, single gals, I hear all the time, “Where are all the good men out there?” Even in this post-feminist age of asserting independence from men and having both a career and a family, women still want their prince and these days, he can be really tough to find.

Oh no. Not proper women who are all pining for their prince...

Quote :
They have fallen behind in college where women now surpass men in getting their college degrees. These women are getting jobs in the workforce while the men are lingering in dead-end jobs — if they are working at all. While opportunity for women is a good thing, men should not take this as a cue to coast.

Oh yeah...

Quote :
Feminism has been detrimental to the identity of the American male. Men have been rebuked if they pull out a chair or open a door for a woman. If they offer to pay for dinner (which they should), their date may be offended and demand to split the check because she can pay her own way.

Rolling Eyes

Quote :
According to Men’s Health magazine, married men make more money, have more sex, get promoted faster, and are generally healthier than unmarried men.

Being healthy and having a successful career obviously are results of being married, rather than a facilitator for getting married.

Quote :
But women also need to let men be men. Men don’t have to linger between college and well, college, forever. They can make choices to take control of their lives and be the men they are called to be if they just put down the game controls and choose a better direction. Sadly, at the moment, American women are apparently still in need of a few good men

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Exodia's Right Leg
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Exodia's Right Leg

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 7:46 am

Concerned Women For America = an organization led by women, lobbying to make America return to a time where women didn't get to lead anything.
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Join date : 2009-06-11
Age : 35

Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 9:50 am

Quote :
But women also need to let men be men. Men don’t have to linger between college and well, college, forever. They can make choices to take control of their lives and be the men they are called to be if they just put down the game controls and choose a better direction
Okay men can take control of their lives but only if women let them do it...?
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 10:02 am

Exodia's Right Leg wrote:
Concerned Women For America = an organization led by women, lobbying to make America return to a time where women didn't get to lead anything.

Or, the Ladies Against Women Group.
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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 11:06 am

WD40 wrote:
Video Games are for children, dammit!
Yeah, because all video games ever are appropriate for children, just like all comics are.

Quote :
If they offer to pay for dinner (which they should)
I can't quite put into words just how much that makes me rage.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 11:22 am

WTF. How is it my fault that dudes like video games? You know, there are plenty of girl gamers too. Wait, that is not my point. There is nothing wrong with being a gamer or just a casual gamer. It's just a hobby. And hell, did it ever occur to her that maybe the numbers go up because older guys tend to be in relationship? They're not going out to bars because they're staying home with their SO's and watching Netflix or, hey, playing video games with their SO . Gaming is not some weird underground hobby anymore, it's mainstream. And a lot of gamers end up with other gamers.

Gaming's popularity has fuck all to do with feminism. It's fun, is that so hard to comprehend for these people? And what is so bad about guys not having to do all the work? Who cares who pays at dinner? I was under the impression that whoever did the asking paid, in any case. Why do these people want the "old ways" back so badly? I like being able to work and provide for myself. I like having rights. I like being treated as an equal, not a cute pet.

And fuck, I like video games.
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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 3:05 pm

Quote :
[Post-Feminist culture] has so badly confused males in what their role in life should be that they just never grow up — or man up for that matter [...] [T]eenage boys, ages 12-to-17 years old, actually spend less time playing video games than 18-to-34-year-old men. I can understand the desire to play a video game here and there as a kid, but as an adult? Grow up.

"Girls don't play video games. If they do, it's because they are CONFUUUUUUUUUUZED or lessssbians." Also, apparently prior to video games, men NEVER played board games / pool / billiards, any of those other strangely popular games. IT WAS GHOSTS. GHOSTS PLAYED THEM.

Quote :
Feminism has been detrimental to the identity of the American male. Men have been rebuked if they pull out a chair or open a door for a woman. If they offer to pay for dinner (which they should), their date may be offended and demand to split the check because she can pay her own way.


You know, I know a number of women who do not let men pay for their first or second date, mostly because too many of the men they've dated have treated this as down-payment on sexual favors. Some women do not care if a man opens a door, some do. But god forbid men ask women what they prefer, right ladies? THINK OF THE CHILDREN THEY CANNOT KNOW WOMEN HAVE MOUTHS

WD40 wrote:

Quote :
According to Men’s Health magazine, married men make more money, have more sex, get promoted faster, and are generally healthier than unmarried men.

Being healthy and having a successful career obviously are results of being married, rather than a facilitator for getting married.

One nitpick, WD40. It actually IS the result of being married. Married men make more than everyone else; raises and such come more frequently to men who are known to be married, come in at a higher pay scale, etc, even when all other factors are the same as an unmarried man. Because the man has to support his family, doncha know. This is one thing that feminism is fighting. Married women make less than anyone else even if you factor out any extra days they may have missed from work due to sick children. And guess what? These days, married men and married women with kids miss about the same number of days. But the prevailing thought, sadly, seems to be that a woman is just working for 'extra' money, because ~her man~ is going to provide for her. This is probably part of why women are getting hired more than men in a number of fields: businesses can get away with paying women less, so they hire more women than men.

Most people, regardless of sex or gender, tend to be healthier and have more sex in long term, committed relationships.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 3:27 pm

rae wrote:
One nitpick, WD40. It actually IS the result of being married.

I am genuinely surprised... And more than a little disappointed.
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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 4:24 pm

I love how we're basically supposed to marry a man, any man, to help HIM do better and stop HIM from drifting through life a lazy, rudderless videogame nerd. How fucking insulting is that to anyone from any gender?
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My spoon is too big.

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 5:18 pm

Jeez, I'll have to tell my boyfriend I'm oppressing him when I ask him to game with me. "No, no, we're not just shooting zombies, I'm oppressing you and preventing you from reaching your full potential. Now, gimme that shotgun, dammit."
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Rabid Badger
And This is Why I Need Medication
And This is Why I Need Medication
Rabid Badger

Join date : 2009-06-10

Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 9:07 pm

Maximilia wrote:
Jeez, I'll have to tell my boyfriend I'm oppressing him when I ask him to game with me. "No, no, we're not just shooting zombies, I'm oppressing you and preventing you from reaching your full potential. Now, gimme that shotgun, dammit."

Both my sons grew up playing video games. Morgan pretty much lost interest in it when he got into his 20s, but Andrew's still an avid gamer. Most of the women he's dated, and most of his friends (male and female) are also gamers. Hell, his best friend's (a married couple who own their own business) the wife holds several awards for highest score in certain games and participates in tournaments on a regular basis. Someone needs to tell her husband he's being oppressed, though I doubt he'd buy it.
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Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker

Join date : 2009-07-21

Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 10:33 pm

Cyberwulf wrote:
I love how we're basically supposed to marry a man, any man, to help HIM do better and stop HIM from drifting through life a lazy, rudderless videogame nerd. How fucking insulting is that to anyone from any gender?

About as insulting as it is to create games that pander a very busty, scantily clad sense of entitlement to men who should be out getting a job anyway? I agree with some sentiment of the article, but in a very opposite way. Heavily male-oriented games have created huge pockets of misogyny and entitlement the likes of which are rarely seen outside of hardcore gaming communities.

According to male gamers, women should be hot sex slaves, who are always willing to cook, clean and supply them with money while they become the next guitar hero or halo expert or whatever. And if that slut bitch talks back, just call her a whore. Any respectful treatment towards women means that you are "less of a man" and should just man-up and smack that bitch down.

Yeah, gaming has made me bitter. Not all gamers reach a level of loveshy-esque putrification, but I've surfed through various communities enough to know that the attitude exists everywhere like a creeping mould.

EDIT: Upon a bit of reflection, it seems a bit like a chicken-and-egg situation to me. I'm not sure if misogynist losers gravitate towards gaming (Yeah, I tried with women, but I could only get fat chicks. So now I'm a World of Warcraft champ!), or if gaming helps to create misogynist losers. (What? All women don't have that body? And they don't exist to give me blowjobs? Then what good are they? I have no idea how to function in a non-linear non-point-based society!)
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Join date : 2009-07-18
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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 11:30 pm

What games are you playing?
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Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker

Join date : 2009-07-21

Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 11:42 pm

Penguin wrote:
What games are you playing?

Better clarification: Gaming communities are often cesspools of sexism. Not necessarily the games themselves (beyond portraying women in negative and stereotyped manners) Gaming forums, Xbox live, MMOs, etc. Single player games don't necessarily fuel the attitude, but open forums of discussion for those games do.
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My spoon is too big.
My spoon is too big.

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 3:50 am

Sakurelf wrote:
Cyberwulf wrote:
I love how we're basically supposed to marry a man, any man, to help HIM do better and stop HIM from drifting through life a lazy, rudderless videogame nerd. How fucking insulting is that to anyone from any gender?

About as insulting as it is to create games that pander a very busty, scantily clad sense of entitlement to men who should be out getting a job anyway? I agree with some sentiment of the article, but in a very opposite way. Heavily male-oriented games have created huge pockets of misogyny and entitlement the likes of which are rarely seen outside of hardcore gaming communities.

According to male gamers, women should be hot sex slaves, who are always willing to cook, clean and supply them with money while they become the next guitar hero or halo expert or whatever. And if that slut bitch talks back, just call her a whore. Any respectful treatment towards women means that you are "less of a man" and should just man-up and smack that bitch down.

Yeah, gaming has made me bitter. Not all gamers reach a level of loveshy-esque putrification, but I've surfed through various communities enough to know that the attitude exists everywhere like a creeping mould.

EDIT: Upon a bit of reflection, it seems a bit like a chicken-and-egg situation to me. I'm not sure if misogynist losers gravitate towards gaming (Yeah, I tried with women, but I could only get fat chicks. So now I'm a World of Warcraft champ!), or if gaming helps to create misogynist losers. (What? All women don't have that body? And they don't exist to give me blowjobs? Then what good are they? I have no idea how to function in a non-linear non-point-based society!)

Wow, that was an incredibly sexist post. I guess fighting fire with fire works, huh?
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Exodia's Right Leg
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Exodia's Right Leg

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 4:28 am

Sakurelf wrote:
Penguin wrote:
What games are you playing?

Better clarification: Gaming communities are often cesspools of sexism. Not necessarily the games themselves (beyond portraying women in negative and stereotyped manners) Gaming forums, Xbox live, MMOs, etc. Single player games don't necessarily fuel the attitude, but open forums of discussion for those games do.
Those communities are male-dominated clubs for a male-dominated industry that caters to a male-dominated public. The mysoginy already exists, the communities only give more confidence for people to say stupid things.
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Behind Blue Eyes
Behind Blue Eyes

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 4:44 am

I'm pretty sure feminists weren't behind my marathon sessions on Barbie's Horse Adventures.
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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 5:21 am

There should be a video game where you blow up Greece with the power of debt Excitedplz
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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 5:22 am

Knorg wrote:
I'm pretty sure feminists weren't behind my marathon sessions on Barbie's Horse Adventures.

I want pics of this. So seriously.
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Harley Quinn hyenaholic
Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach
Harley Quinn hyenaholic

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 6:56 am

I'm fairly sure that men playing video games all day and night are not going to be much good at chatting up and socialising with women.

Where are all the good men? Well, I met at least three on the Internet.
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Behind Blue Eyes
Behind Blue Eyes

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 7:04 am

rae wrote:
Knorg wrote:
I'm pretty sure feminists weren't behind my marathon sessions on Barbie's Horse Adventures.

I want pics of this. So seriously.

I was lied to by the box art: Shocked

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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 7:07 am

Cyberwulf wrote:
How fucking insulting is that to anyone from any gender?

That's what boggles my mind, in a lot of different situations. Take this whole thing that women, especially in muslim countries, are supposed to dress modestly so as not to tempt men into immodest behavior. What does it say about men? That they literally can't be expected to have any self-control whatsoever? How are men not insulted by this?
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Armbiter of Good Fanfiction
Armbiter of Good Fanfiction

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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 7:59 am

Sakurelf wrote:
Penguin wrote:
What games are you playing?

Better clarification: Gaming communities are often cesspools of sexism. Not necessarily the games themselves (beyond portraying women in negative and stereotyped manners) Gaming forums, Xbox live, MMOs, etc. Single player games don't necessarily fuel the attitude, but open forums of discussion for those games do.
I've actually seen in WoW players be sexist. Granted, they're just trolls with nothing better to do other than turn Trade chat into an Easter Seals convention but it happens almost there other hour of the day. But that's the thing. Girls play WoW, too. Believe it or not. And not just a guy playing a girl pretending to be a girl. It's actual females playing female or male characters (It's especially more common on a role-playing server, where it's--for lack of a better word--normal. I just wish non-role-players didn't populate the server. Kind of annoying.).
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Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker

Join date : 2009-07-21

Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 9:30 am

Maximilia wrote:

Wow, that was an incredibly sexist post. I guess fighting fire with fire works, huh?

It comes from being submerssed in shit like this. Except, like, all the time.
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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 3:39 pm

Oh wah wah, Max. It wasn't a post about All Men Everywhere and you know it.
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Feminists made me play video games! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feminists made me play video games!   Feminists made me play video games! Empty

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