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 Good commercials (if there is such a thing)

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Recovering Fanbrat
Recovering Fanbrat

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Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty
PostSubject: Good commercials (if there is such a thing)   Good commercials (if there is such a thing) EmptySun Jun 14, 2009 9:56 pm

This commercial made me laugh when I saw it. It reminds me of Arthur Dent getting his house knocked down. The guy's even in a bathrobe!
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Keeper of the Gaffapedia
Keeper of the Gaffapedia

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Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good commercials (if there is such a thing)   Good commercials (if there is such a thing) EmptyMon Jun 15, 2009 7:34 pm

This is a good one, great tune too.
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Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker

Join date : 2009-06-10

Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good commercials (if there is such a thing)   Good commercials (if there is such a thing) EmptyMon Jun 15, 2009 7:35 pm

I laughed until I cried.
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Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 36
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Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good commercials (if there is such a thing)   Good commercials (if there is such a thing) EmptyMon Jun 15, 2009 8:00 pm

EileenK89: That's a good commercial, but it irritates me because I completely disagree with it. I love my FiOS and would rather have it than deal with Comcast ever again.

Narwhal wrote:
I laughed until I cried.

That was hilarious!
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Bastion of Sanity
Bastion of Sanity

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Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good commercials (if there is such a thing)   Good commercials (if there is such a thing) EmptyMon Jun 15, 2009 10:31 pm

Narwhal wrote:
I laughed until I cried.
That was great! I hope I didn't wake up anybody in my house.
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The Word Police
The Word Police

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Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good commercials (if there is such a thing)   Good commercials (if there is such a thing) EmptyTue Jun 16, 2009 3:37 am

Not necessarily a hilarious add, but otherwise, a very awesome stunt: T-Mobile hijacks a subway station.

(Do we not embed? I like it when there's an embedding. I'm lazy, 'mkay?)

*wanders off to download legally acquire that Husan-song*
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good commercials (if there is such a thing)   Good commercials (if there is such a thing) EmptyTue Jun 16, 2009 8:49 am

The Chi-Chi's salsa robot ad cracks me up. Good commercials (if there is such a thing) 611762
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Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman

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Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good commercials (if there is such a thing)   Good commercials (if there is such a thing) EmptyTue Jun 16, 2009 10:38 am

Oh, my god, Jay! That was so freaking cool.

*goes off to show it to everyone!*
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Join date : 2009-06-10

Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good commercials (if there is such a thing)   Good commercials (if there is such a thing) EmptySat Jun 20, 2009 6:06 am

Hawkeye, the scuba-diving cat.

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Join date : 2009-06-21

Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good commercials (if there is such a thing)   Good commercials (if there is such a thing) EmptyMon Jun 22, 2009 2:49 pm

An oldie but goody.
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Join date : 2009-06-17

Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good commercials (if there is such a thing)   Good commercials (if there is such a thing) EmptyWed Jun 24, 2009 10:43 am

And an old favorite of mine:

So many epic IKEA commercials, but I'll only post two:

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Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good commercials (if there is such a thing)   Good commercials (if there is such a thing) Empty

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Good commercials (if there is such a thing)
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