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 Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?

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Rabid Badger
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Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 34

Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptyFri Oct 30, 2009 2:14 pm

Clearly you're not as enterprising as these two guys from Iowa, because all you need is a Sharpie!

It even looks like one of them went for a kind of Batman look.
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Armbiter of Good Fanfiction
Armbiter of Good Fanfiction

Join date : 2009-10-26
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Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptyFri Oct 30, 2009 2:37 pm

Quote :
McNelly, 23, and Miller, 20, were both charged with attempted second-degree burglary and released on bail.
McNelly was also charged with drunk driving.

That is the most depressing pair of charges I've ever heard of. It almost reads like a punchline. Attempted second-degree burglary. Basically you tried to do a really simple robbery and managed to screw it up. Then you find out they were drunk.

Imagine if they end up doing time? "What're you in here for?" "...attempted theft."

They'll be laughed at. And when they find out about the markers, probably beaten.
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Join date : 2009-10-20
Location : The comics bunker

Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptyFri Oct 30, 2009 3:51 pm

"Hey Joey, wanna go rob a bank?"

"Oh yeah, that would be totally awesome, Matt! But what about disguising yourselves?"

"Oh, it's alright, we'll just draw on your faces with this permanent markers! Wanna be Batman?"

"But Matt, these are permanent markers - how will we get rid of them afterwards? Wouldn't make-up be a smarter choice?"

"Oh please, Joey, where the heck are we going to get make-up at this time of night?"

.... This made me laugh. I wonder if they thought this up while drunk. It sounds like a prank gone really wrong. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptyFri Oct 30, 2009 4:34 pm

I was expecting them to have entirely blacked out their faces. Then I clicked the link. Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? 611762 I'm now reminded of the one bank robbery at the tiny bank of my hometown. I man walked in, said there was a guy in his car with a gun. The tellers could see his empty car. He handed them a note they had watched him writing while still in his car. He was !shocked! when the one cop showed up to take him away. XD
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Bastion of Sanity
Bastion of Sanity

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Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptyFri Oct 30, 2009 11:57 pm

That is so pathetic. I'm embarrassed for them.
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Join date : 2009-10-10

Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 1:52 am

I like to imagine that they used permanent markers because they must've thought it would cover their faces better than the removable kind.

The sad part is that that's probably true.
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Join date : 2009-06-03
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Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 4:30 am

Truly pathetic.
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Keeper of the Gaffapedia
Keeper of the Gaffapedia

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Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 7:18 am

TheHedonist wrote:
That is the most depressing pair of charges I've ever heard of. It almost reads like a punchline. Attempted second-degree burglary. Basically you tried to do a really simple robbery and managed to screw it up. Then you find out they were drunk.

Imagine if they end up doing time? "What're you in here for?" "...attempted theft."

They'll be laughed at.
Goes right through "embarrassingly incompetent" and out the other side.
I would say "don't give up the day job" but it seems likely they're hopeless at that too. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Recovering Fanbrat
Recovering Fanbrat

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Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 10:42 am

Did they really think it would work?

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Join date : 2009-07-18
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Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 11:17 am

That's even worse than the guy who tried to rob a convenience store with an empty beer box on his head, trying to peek through the little slot in the middle.
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Rabid Badger
And This is Why I Need Medication
And This is Why I Need Medication
Rabid Badger

Join date : 2009-06-10

Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 7:14 pm

This genuinly makes me ashamed to admit I'm from Iowa. I assure you that most of the population has waaay more sense than these two.
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Dr. Professor Science
Dr. Professor Science

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Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptySun Nov 01, 2009 2:42 am

This is my favourite news story ever. No, seriously.
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Armbiter of Good Fanfiction
Armbiter of Good Fanfiction

Join date : 2009-06-10

Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptySun Nov 01, 2009 3:26 am

Fitchsticks wrote:
It even looks like one of them went for a kind of Batman look.

I think it's actually a Nightwing mask.
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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

Join date : 2009-06-10

Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptySun Nov 01, 2009 5:49 am

Penguin wrote:
That's even worse than the guy who tried to rob a convenience store with an empty beer box on his head, trying to peek through the little slot in the middle.

That, at least, can be taken off afterwards. Permanent robber mask, why, that's not suspicious at all.
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Lady Anne
Lady Anne

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Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask?   Want to commit crimes and remain anonymous but can't afford a mask? EmptySun Nov 01, 2009 9:35 pm

grmblfjx wrote:
Penguin wrote:
That's even worse than the guy who tried to rob a convenience store with an empty beer box on his head, trying to peek through the little slot in the middle.

That, at least, can be taken off afterwards. Permanent robber mask, why, that's not suspicious at all.
Not quite permanent (I've gotten permanent ink on my fingers plenty of times, and it does eventually wear off). It does take a while, however, and probably takes longer to wear off the face than the hands because the face isn't constantly touching and grasping things.
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