This is filled with spoilers, the movie is available at and also at Youtube. Netflix apparently never heard of it. If you plan on watching this turd I suggest you go there first. Don't worry, I'll still be here when you get back
Gabriel Over The White House was produced by the liberal Hollywood producer Walter Wanger based on an anonymous book written by Thomas Frederic Tweed. It was financed and supported by progressive icon William Randolph Hearst who intended the picture to be a tribute to Franklin D. Roosevelt as well as an attack on previous Republican administrations. The movie actually supports the idea of establishing a fascist dictatorship in the United States.
Newly inaugurated President Jusdson C. Hammond, a genial and crooked man, is enjoying the perks of his new job. The big white house, the cushy government jobs for all his friends, and the mistress who poses as his secretary. Life is good for him if not for the rest of the country. President Hammond is unmarried but has a young nephew named Jimmy who apparently lives in the White House with him. He also has a personal secretary named Hartley Beekman who takes care of all the non-mistress secretarial work.
However, after a severe auto accident President Hammond is in a coma and dying. A brief fluttering of the curtains and some harp music is the only indication that the Angel Gabriel is visiting. President Hammond wakes up a changed man determined to do whatever necessary to save America.
When he gets resistance from his cabinet he fires the lot of them. He doesn’t replace them but assumes all their duties himself. Being a cabinet secretary is a full time job by itself and not even Jimmy Carter was this big of a micromanager but Jud Hammond can handle it with no problems.
There’s an army of a million unemployed workers marching on Washington led by an organizer named John Bronson. Unfortunately Bronson is machine gunned to death by gangsters because, . . . I don’t know, gangsters don’t like unemployed people? Gangsters are evil and just like shooting people? Not really sure. Incidentally, even though Bronson is machine gunned from a moving vehicle in front of a large crowd of people, he is the only one hit. Those gangsters might be evil bastards but I salute their marksmanship. Bronson’s attractive daughter, Alice then takes over the march. Disregarding advice to have the army break up the demonstration as with the Bonus March in 1932, President Hammond drives out to the marchers to make a speech promising everybody government make-work. Ideas similar to Roosevelt’s CCC and WPA.
So far so good, right? Due to his erratic behavior the Congress meets in a joint session to begin impeachment hearings. It seems pretty unanimous, not even his own (unnamed) party is backing him.
Suddenly President Hammond walks in on the session demanding that they pass his new programs. When he is informed of the impeachment hearings he changes tack.
- President Hammond wrote:
- “I ask you gentlemen to declare a state of national emergency and to adjourn this Congress until normal conditions are restored. During the period of that adjournment I shall assume full responsibility for the Government!”
This naturally causes an uproar, with members of Congress shouting that this was a dictatorship and that they would never adjourn. President Hammond responds.
- President Hammond wrote:
- “I believe in Democracy as Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson believed in Democracy! And if what I plan to do for the people makes me a dictator, then it is a dictatorship based on Jefferson’s definition of Democracy. A Government of the greatest good for the greatest number of people!”
Yep, good old Thomas Jefferson, every time he said “Democracy” he actually meant “Dictatorship.” This is why most counties with the word “Democratic” in their names usually aren’t. All through the movie Hammond invokes the Constitution while he treats it as toilet paper and speaks reverently of the great presidents of the past while they are rapidly spinning in their graves.
Congress still isn’t buying it so Hammond invokes martial law threatening them all with arrest if they don’t adjourn. This works and they dismiss themselves.
Hold on a minute, the President has the power to just walk into Congress during an impeachment hearing no less, and order them all to close down indefinitely and go home? Why didn’t Nixon ever think of this?
President Hammond takes absolute power over the United States as dictator and becomes very popular among the people. The press all love him and there doesn’t seem to be any more opposition to him except among gangsters. This seems pretty odd, you’d think someone would raise a fuss about him becoming a dictator but no, everything he does is depicted as being wonderful.
He institutes a series of boneheaded economic reforms such as banning bank foreclosures, which might sound good to an Occupy Wall Street type but would never work in the real world. Banks don’t foreclose mortgages because they’re evil. They do it because if they don’t nobody would pay their mortgage and the banks would go out of business. Foreclosures make home loans possible in the first place. But in the movie all his stupid ideas work perfectly and he receives much acclaim.
President Hammond also ends Prohibition and creates a government monopoly on selling liquor. This angers the gangsters led by the notorious Nick Diamond who bomb one of the government liquor stores and wounds his former mistress Pendola Molloy during a drive by shooting of the White House. Apparently White House security really sucked back then.
Since becoming the Messiah, Judson had lost all interest in his mistress and had been calling her Miss Molloy. She had since taken up with his secretary Beekman and had become engaged to him.
Beekman becomes greatly upset over this and is raring for revenge so President Hammond appoints him to a new division of the Army, The Federal Police.
Using the Army for civilian law enforcement of course violates the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 but when you’re the Messiah you don’t need to worry about puny earthly laws. Beek leads his Federal Police tanks to Nick Diamond’s headquarters where they destroy it with cannon fire. As the survivors are led out Nick Diamond threatens to call his lawyer. Beek assures him that he can have all the lawyers he wants at government expense but they won’t help him because he’ll be facing a court martial.
Yeah, I know, you can’t legally try civilians in a military court martial but that’s just another one of those silly laws that Hammond has done away with.
The gangsters are tried en mass in a creepy looking art deco courtroom. Beekman is sitting as judge with two other officers. A good defense attorney might object to a judge sitting in trial of the guy who just shot his fiancé. He might also object to a judge who isn’t really a judge, who has had no legal training, and probably isn’t even a real army officer. It’s a good thing no defense attorney is visible anywhere in the courtroom so we don’t have to listen to any of this crap. As a matter of fact, no one is in the courtroom except for the prisoners and the three judges.
- Judge Beekman wrote:
- “By technicalities of the law you have escaped all punishment. You are the last of the racketeers and why Diamond? Because we have a man in the White House who cut through all red tape of legal procedures to bring us back to first principles, and eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life. Because of your numerous crimes you will be taken to the field of execution and shot by firing squad.”
Yeah, we don’t need any of that legal mumbo jumbo about witnesses or evidence anymore. You guys are gangsters, everyone knows you’re gangsters, so I’ll just go ahead and shoot you.
After an appeals process which presumably takes place during the paddy wagon ride to the execution site, Nick Diamond and his gang are lined up against a wall and shot in front of the Statue of Liberty.
After ending the Great Depression and shooting every criminal in America, President Hammond decides to turn his attention to foreign policy and get all those nasty foreigners to pay their war debts. He submits to a reporter’s interview.
“Does the president intend to collect by force?”
“Those debts have got to be paid!”
“Is the U.S. prepared to go to war against 15 leading nations?”
“Those debts have got to be paid!”
He invites the ambassadors to a yacht where he has them watch a pair of decommissioned battleships get sunk by biplanes. He then demands that they pay their war debts. When they plead poverty he points out that with all the money they spend on defense they could pay their debts. He threatens to build up the U.S. military to an invincible force and force them to pay their debts.
No force on Earth can stand up to me and my invincible fleet of biplanes. I’ll defeat you all! KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!
By explaining how bad war is and threatening them with his scary biplanes all the nations of Earth agree to complete disarm. Who would have thought that achieving world peace was so easy? After creating universal peace prosperity and happiness though fascism his life work finished, President Hammond drops dead and is proclaimed the greatest president ever.
At the time dictatorships weren't considered to be so bad among some circles. Walter Duranty was winning a Pulitzer Prize for praising Stalinist Russia and Mussolini was pretty popular among the American Left. Hitler wasn't even on the radar yet.
However when Louis B. Mayer, the head of MGM saw this movie he wanted to destroy every copy. He relented when threatened with a breech of contract lawsuit from Hearst but because Mayer was a Republican he held back the release for a year until 1933 hoping audiences might identify President Hammond with Roosevelt.
The movie is unabashedly pro Fascist as well as being extremely talky in parts. Everything Hammond does is a wonderful idea and don't you wish the real president was like this?