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 Robocop: the latest film to get a remake!

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Join date : 2011-01-11

Robocop: the latest film to get a remake! Empty
PostSubject: Robocop: the latest film to get a remake!   Robocop: the latest film to get a remake! EmptyMon Sep 09, 2013 3:57 am

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Dammit, not Robocop as well!! Robocop was a good film, why do they always have to spoil good films with remakes??

Why are the vast majority of films being made at the moment sequels (and most of those are sequels of sequels of sequels), remakes of cult classics (just because it was popular back then, they believe it'll be equally popular if they remake it), or yet more iterations of the usual superhero graphic novel adaptations? It may be just be, but there seems to be very few original ideas out there nowadays.
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Somath Cegem
Wonderfully English
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Somath Cegem

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Robocop: the latest film to get a remake! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robocop: the latest film to get a remake!   Robocop: the latest film to get a remake! EmptyMon Sep 09, 2013 4:01 am

It really doesn't matter if this film is gonna be great or terrible, it has Gary Oldman, I'm going to go see it.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Robocop: the latest film to get a remake! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robocop: the latest film to get a remake!   Robocop: the latest film to get a remake! EmptyMon Sep 09, 2013 5:22 am

Cunnilingus wrote:
Why are the vast majority of films being made at the moment sequels (and most of those are sequels of sequels of sequels), remakes of cult classics (just because it was popular back then, they believe it'll be equally popular if they remake it), or yet more iterations of the usual superhero graphic novel adaptations? It may be just be, but there seems to be very few original ideas out there nowadays.
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Join date : 2009-06-03
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Robocop: the latest film to get a remake! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robocop: the latest film to get a remake!   Robocop: the latest film to get a remake! EmptyMon Sep 09, 2013 4:46 pm

robocop was fucking nauseating

i watched that movie all the way through and nearly puked four times
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Mikey Go WOOGA
Mikey Go WOOGA

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Robocop: the latest film to get a remake! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robocop: the latest film to get a remake!   Robocop: the latest film to get a remake! EmptyMon Sep 09, 2013 4:49 pm

Mr.Doobie wrote:
Cunnilingus wrote:
Why are the vast majority of films being made at the moment sequels (and most of those are sequels of sequels of sequels), remakes of cult classics (just because it was popular back then, they believe it'll be equally popular if they remake it), or yet more iterations of the usual superhero graphic novel adaptations? It may be just be, but there seems to be very few original ideas out there nowadays.
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"Inspired by true story" means that it's not original.

The WWE already has some horror character wearing a rabbit mask or some shit murderizing people.

World's End seems like a remake of Sean of the Dead.  Hopefully different in the sense that is isn't fucking terrible like Sean of the Dead.
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Robocop: the latest film to get a remake! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robocop: the latest film to get a remake!   Robocop: the latest film to get a remake! Empty

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Robocop: the latest film to get a remake!
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