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 California man diagnosed with The Gay.

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Epic-Level Pornomancer
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California man diagnosed with The Gay. Empty
PostSubject: California man diagnosed with The Gay.   California man diagnosed with The Gay. EmptyMon Aug 12, 2013 8:04 pm

California doctor diagnosed man with ‘homosexual behavior’ illness

Yahoo! News wrote:
Mathew Moore said he was visiting his doctor earlier this year when she returned a diagnosis of “homosexual behavior” on his health chart.

Moore, who is gay, said he noticed the unusual labeling after his visit. The tests also showed a B-12 deficiency as well as high blood pressure and cholesterol. When Moore, 45, returned to the doctor for a follow-up visit, he discovered yet another so-called “chronic condition” on his record: being gay.

"When I look up code 302.0, and it's sexual deviancy or mental illness, and that code has been removed or suggested heavily not to be used since 1973," Moore said in an interview with local affiliate NBC4.

A “302” listing allows medical professionals or even law enforcement to detain an individual and provide an assessment of their mental well-being to ensure they are not a threat to themselves or others.
So basically, not only does this quack still think homosexuality is a mental defect, she tagged him with label that could potentially let the police or his (other) doctors snap him up and hold him without charge? There's not enough "Fuck You" on the planet for this.

Yahoo! News wrote:
After the unsatisfying response, Moore wrote a letter to the Torrance Memorial Physician Network, which oversees his doctor’s geographic area of practice. The group quickly sent Moore a letter of apology. It also refunded his $30 copay.

"We fully appreciate your frustration and anger related to your experience and are committed to ensuring that such events are not repeated," Heidi Assigal, senior director of Torrance Health Association Inc., wrote in the letter.

"We would like to unequivocally state that the Torrance Memorial Physician Network does not view homosexuality as a disease or a chronic condition and we do not endorse or approve of the use of Code 302.0 as a diagnosis for homosexuality."

For his part, Moore says he doesn’t plan to sue his former doctor and wants to keep her anonymous. Instead, he said he told his story so that individuals living in areas where gay rights are still less solidified can see his story and use it as inspiration for taking action after suffering through an incident of prejudice or bigotry.
That is far more forgiving than I think I could be. I'd probably still be screaming.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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California man diagnosed with The Gay. Empty
PostSubject: Re: California man diagnosed with The Gay.   California man diagnosed with The Gay. EmptyTue Aug 13, 2013 8:48 am

Freezer wrote:
California doctor diagnosed man with ‘homosexual behavior’ illness
Shocked  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
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California man diagnosed with The Gay. Empty
PostSubject: Re: California man diagnosed with The Gay.   California man diagnosed with The Gay. EmptyTue Aug 13, 2013 1:51 pm

He wants to keep her anonymous? Surely other patients should be protected from this Neanderthal?
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California man diagnosed with The Gay. Empty
PostSubject: Re: California man diagnosed with The Gay.   California man diagnosed with The Gay. EmptyTue Aug 13, 2013 3:29 pm

Dixie wrote:
He wants to keep her anonymous?  Surely other patients should be protected from this Neanderthal?
1) Just because he didn't out her in the media doesn't mean he didn't tell the network/company who she is.

2) Perhaps he's worried that his neighbourhood isn't as liberal and as enlightened as he always assumed. Perhaps he fears that naming the doctor will cause the narrative to be spun very quickly as DURN QUEER GOT A GOOD WOMAN FIRED FROM HER JERB COS OF HER BELIEFS.

3) Or he's savvy enough to know that naming her will cause the wrath of the internet to fall upon her and he doesn't want that.
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Epic-Level Pornomancer
Epic-Level Pornomancer

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California man diagnosed with The Gay. Empty
PostSubject: Re: California man diagnosed with The Gay.   California man diagnosed with The Gay. EmptyTue Aug 13, 2013 3:50 pm

Cyberwulf wrote:
3) Or he's savvy enough to know that naming her will cause the wrath of the internet to fall upon her and he doesn't want that.
Which winds back around to "Why not?"
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Important Person
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California man diagnosed with The Gay. Empty
PostSubject: Re: California man diagnosed with The Gay.   California man diagnosed with The Gay. EmptyTue Aug 13, 2013 5:38 pm

Freezer wrote:
Cyberwulf wrote:
3) Or he's savvy enough to know that naming her will cause the wrath of the internet to fall upon her and he doesn't want that.
Which winds back around to "Why not?"
IDK, internet vigilantism is not all sunshine and rainbows, I am not sure this lady deserves to have her family harassed at home and all the other shit that goes down when internet shitstorms happen.

I might not have made the same choice in his place, but idk, I am sure whoever is employing this lady gave her a talking to anyway.

Far more alarming is that
Quote :
A “302” listing allows medical professionals or even law enforcement to detain an individual and provide an assessment of their mental well-being to ensure they are not a threat to themselves or others.
Is that really still the case? Why? Why are people freaking out about this one doctor and not the fact that it is apparently still legal to jail gays for being gay (as long as they have a doctor's note)?
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Mikey Go WOOGA
Mikey Go WOOGA

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California man diagnosed with The Gay. Empty
PostSubject: Re: California man diagnosed with The Gay.   California man diagnosed with The Gay. EmptyTue Aug 13, 2013 5:55 pm

Reepy wrote:
Is that really still the case? Why? Why are people freaking out about this one doctor and not the fact that it is apparently still legal to jail gays for being gay (as long as they have a doctor's note)?
Weren't you the one pissing and moaning that an obviously mentally ill man like the Connecticut shoot was allowed to roam the streets free? There needs to be a very clearly defined, quantifiable (to the extent possible), strict criteria for what qualifies as "dangerous to themselves or others" and we should goddamn well be able to detain them on those grounds.

I don't know exactly how clearly defined, quantifiable, or strict the criteria actually is, however.
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Epic-Level Pornomancer
Epic-Level Pornomancer

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California man diagnosed with The Gay. Empty
PostSubject: Re: California man diagnosed with The Gay.   California man diagnosed with The Gay. EmptyTue Aug 13, 2013 6:51 pm

Reepicheep-chan wrote:
Freezer wrote:
Cyberwulf wrote:
3) Or he's savvy enough to know that naming her will cause the wrath of the internet to fall upon her and he doesn't want that.
Which winds back around to "Why not?"
IDK, internet vigilantism is not all sunshine and rainbows, I am not sure this lady deserves to have her family harassed at home and all the other shit that goes down when internet shitstorms happen.
Excellent point.

Reepicheep-chan wrote:
Far more alarming is that
Quote :
A “302” listing allows medical professionals or even law enforcement to detain an individual and provide an assessment of their mental well-being to ensure they are not a threat to themselves or others.
Is that really still the case?  Why?  Why are people freaking out about this one doctor and not the fact that it is apparently still legal to jail gays for being gay (as long as they have a doctor's note)?
Pretty sure this is one of those cases where a law is on the books but is far easier to ignore than to get rid of formally or people assumed it had been done away with years ago.
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The Unoriginal
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
The Unoriginal

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California man diagnosed with The Gay. Empty
PostSubject: Re: California man diagnosed with The Gay.   California man diagnosed with The Gay. EmptyWed Aug 14, 2013 1:16 am

Quote :
Quote :
A “302” listing allows medical professionals or even law enforcement to detain an individual and provide an assessment of their mental well-being to ensure they are not a threat to themselves or others.
Is that really still the case?  Why?  Why are people freaking out about this one doctor and not the fact that it is apparently still legal to jail gays for being gay (as long as they have a doctor's note)?
I understood that the 302 is legit in other contexts (eg paranoid delirium, whatever), and the problem was the doctor's decision to attach it to a diagnosis of homosexuality.

In Italy, a few years ago when there was still the draft, in two separate instances guys who got exempted because they were homosexual (before the advent of conscience objection, there were three ways of avoiding military service: being crazy, gay or using) had their driving licence revoked because of "psychical conditions that might affect one's ability to drive". That because the military hospital sent their diagnosis and related conclusions to the Ministry of Transportation.
I'm happy to say that in at least one of the cases, the guy went to court and got 20,000 € in damages.
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Armbiter of Good Fanfiction
Armbiter of Good Fanfiction

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California man diagnosed with The Gay. Empty
PostSubject: Re: California man diagnosed with The Gay.   California man diagnosed with The Gay. EmptySat Aug 17, 2013 7:30 pm

I would have sued.
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California man diagnosed with The Gay. Empty
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California man diagnosed with The Gay.
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