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 A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that!

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Behind Blue Eyes
Behind Blue Eyes

Join date : 2009-06-06
Age : 42
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A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that! Empty
PostSubject: A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that!   A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that! EmptyMon Jun 22, 2009 11:44 am

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The story was originally linked on GAFF by Godgifu. Here's my comments (posted with my Malice account) at the time to make y'all wonder just what the shit all that Knorg=funny crap was all about:

Well, probably could actually, but she wasn’t getting drunk in company such as that present at this party, which she really couldn’t remember why she was attending in the first place.

Going out of your way to point out a character is acting OOC in the first few lines of a rapefic doesn't bode well.

the first punch had no effect what so ever,

Daria was kind of silly to try. In a rapefic, punches from the likes of Red Sonia, Supergirl and Buffy have no effect whatsoever either.

grd grabbed her face with his r har hand

grd r har? Isn't that a Scandinavian pop act?

She struggled violently and ineffectively

Violence once again fails to solve anything.

getting pregnant was so not on her to do list.

Much to the disappointment of Beavis and Butthead.

cunt naked

The writer's Buck Rogers script was banned due to her unconventional nickname for the character.

tears welled from the paeveneven

Does anyone else get the impression this guy just makes up words sometimes? I can't guess what that might be a mis-spelling off and google has nothing.

He kept the pile driver style thrusts going for a few minutes,

I have an image of Daria vs Jerry Lawler that's going to keep me awake.
Wouldn't "pile driver" be more appropriate for anal sex anyway?

He then started a jackhammer style thrust, this

Jerry tagged in Goldberg.

All thought had ceased as he alternated between pile driver and jackhammer thrusts

Wrasslin'll do that to ya. Hence rednecks.

She pushed her breasts back into the push up bra and reset her tee shirt, then headed out to find Jane, no sense in leaving her to also get raped.
Although that would serve her right for making Daria come to this.

Daria considers Rape to be the gift that keeps on giving.

She fought the urge to barf again as she was reminded of the invading army of sperm cells that where making their way into her uterus.

"We shall fight on the labia,
we shall fight on the cervix,
we shall fight in the ovaries and in the fallopian tubes,
we shall fight in the uterine lining;
we shall never surrender"
"Egg's fertilised."
"...Well, we're well fucked then."
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Join date : 2009-06-13
Age : 46

A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that!   A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that! EmptyThu Jun 25, 2009 7:19 pm

Adult fan fic sometimes messes up random words. Makes the story look like it's being read by Jerry Lewis sometimes.
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Grimley Fieendish
Grimley Fieendish

Join date : 2009-09-07
Age : 60
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A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that!   A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that! EmptyTue Sep 08, 2009 1:04 pm

Why do I think that any sequel to this tale, provisionally titled Daria's Revenge: The Sequel , would involve Daria in some sort of BDSM gear, Chris in (involantry) Bondage, drugs, a set of large pliers, a riding crop, & a very large "strapon", with loads of pyramidal studs, that Daria then proceeds to use on various parts of Chris's body...
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Kevin M
Kevin M

Join date : 2009-09-10
Age : 38
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A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that!   A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that! EmptyFri Sep 11, 2009 8:13 pm

It's been a good while since I saw a Daria bad fic. It's bee a while since I saw a story based on the Daria show in general.
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A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that!   A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that! Empty

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A writer dares not to write a Chris/Daria rape scene? This fan will fix that!
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