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 First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day"

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7 posters
Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

Join date : 2009-06-10

First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" Empty
PostSubject: First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day"   First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" EmptySat Nov 07, 2009 3:18 pm

Remember that thread we had about the site Fuck My Life? It features such gems as

Quote :
Today, I came home to find a sock I previously used to whack off on my bed with googly eyes and a mouth drawn on it with a note that read "Because you can't find a real girl, I made your current one prettier, Love Mom." FML

And then there was My Life Is Average, with anti-gems such as

Quote :
I recently got an iPhone. It has a function that allows you to search for and save locations for which you will frequently check the weather. It is currently 54 degrees in Narnia. MLIA

And now I give you It Made My Day! My favorite so far:

Quote :
I was walking my dog when a purse snatcher ran past me and stole the poop bag. IMMD.
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Challenge Winner!
Challenge Winner!

Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 37
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First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" Empty
PostSubject: Re: First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day"   First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" EmptySat Nov 07, 2009 5:52 pm

grmblfjx wrote:

And now I give you It Made My Day! My favorite so far:

Quote :
I was walking my dog when a purse snatcher ran past me and stole the poop bag. IMMD.

First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" 831506 I've seen this site before, and it never fails to amuse.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 39
Location : In WD40's head

First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" Empty
PostSubject: Re: First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day"   First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" EmptySun Nov 08, 2009 4:27 am

Quote :
I overheard my sister tell my 1 yr old niece that if she didn’t learn to stop biting people she’d only have online friends. IMMD.


This site made my day. Smile
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Join date : 2009-06-03
Age : 35
Location : a hell of his own creation.

First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" Empty
PostSubject: Re: First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day"   First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" EmptySun Nov 08, 2009 8:39 am

I giggle.
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Armbiter of Good Fanfiction
Armbiter of Good Fanfiction

Join date : 2009-06-11

First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" Empty
PostSubject: Re: First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day"   First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" EmptySun Nov 08, 2009 4:14 pm

What about Gives Me Hope?
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Join date : 2009-08-03
Age : 37

First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" Empty
PostSubject: Re: First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day"   First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" EmptySun Nov 08, 2009 4:26 pm

Aggie wrote:
What about Gives Me Hope?

I love this quote. It sounds like something right out of a shojo manga.

Quote :
I suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and often have flashbacks. My best friend was with me when I was having a bad one. After I kept apologizing to him, he held me and told me "If I can't handle your past, I'm not worthy of your present or your future." He stayed up with me all night. His love GMH.
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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

Join date : 2009-06-10

First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" Empty
PostSubject: Re: First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day"   First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" EmptyWed Nov 11, 2009 8:09 am

Aggie wrote:
What about Gives Me Hope?

Yeah, thanks. I only read about 30 pages and ended up going to bed at 6am. >_>
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Miss Prince
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Miss Prince

Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 36

First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" Empty
PostSubject: Re: First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day"   First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" EmptyWed Nov 11, 2009 9:35 am

I got sucked into IMMD pretty bad, and then I got myself out when I came across sexism complete with "It's just a joke! God you women are so sensitive!" and "I'm a girl and I laughed so it's okay!"

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First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" Empty
PostSubject: Re: First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day"   First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day" Empty

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First "Fuck My Life", then "My Life Is Average", now: "It Made My Day"
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