Why God, Why?
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 The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary

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4 posters

Join date : 2009-06-15
Age : 36

The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary Empty
PostSubject: The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary   The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary EmptyMon Nov 02, 2009 11:37 pm

The GAFF Dictionary

So as I said in the "Something Good Happened to Me Today" thread while cleaning out my dinosaur for my sister to use until she can get her crashed computer up and runnin again, I managed to stumble upon the dictionary back from the Orange boards. I remember it being mentioned that it should be reposted on here way back when so I figure what the hell. It's seven pages long so I'll just link y'all to it, adding on should be fun.
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Harley Quinn hyenaholic
Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach
Harley Quinn hyenaholic

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The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary   The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary EmptyTue Nov 03, 2009 5:53 am

It would be a lot better of a dictionary if somebody put the entries in alphabetical order.

Also, Marty Stu, Marty Sue and Marty Sam are fading into obscurity now. The term that won the Definition War is "Gary Stu", seeing as it's the closest to the original, Mary Sue.

I think I came up with the term 'Catastrofuck' and its meaning as a single terrible thing rather than the number of things that go into a Clusterfuck, but it's been a while so I'm not sure.
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Keith Fraser
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Keith Fraser

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Age : 42
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The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary   The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary EmptyTue Nov 03, 2009 2:23 pm

A few things in there might need modification in future versions:

-As far as I know, Ho!Mione does not refer to all Sueified versions of Hermione, only to the fics where she develops "curves in the right places" over the summer and starts wearing skimpy clothing and spending more time worrying about how to get into Harry and/or Draco's pants than studying.
-The Jump The Shark moment in Happy Days was not the Fonz jumping a shark tank on his motorcycle, but him jumping over a single shark in the sea while water-skiing.
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Grimley Fieendish
Grimley Fieendish

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PostSubject: Re: The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary   The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary EmptyTue Nov 03, 2009 3:12 pm

O.k, how about this for a entry...
Tuxedo Mark - Fanfic author famed for creating incredibly repetitous & boring fanfic, despite his initial idea for said fic being potentially quite interesting...
For example, his Gundam fic that effectively applies the concept of Robojox, in that national states use Gundam unit's in single combat to resolve national disputes, is interesting, & would work within the Gundam universe...
However, his descriptions of said single combat, are both repetitive & dull after the 10th repetition of said bout, abeit with characters & locations changed...
The author also is seemingly obsessed with food, in that descriptions of characters eating, frequently turn up at the end of a chapter.
Unfortunately, his habit of endlessly recycling earlier descriptions, also bleeds over into his culinary descriptions, to the point that everyone, whatever their nationality, & location, seem to be eating the equivalent of a Kentucky Fried Chicken family meal bucket...
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Keith Fraser
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Keith Fraser

Join date : 2009-06-11
Age : 42
Location : The Emerald Isle

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PostSubject: Re: The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary   The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary EmptyTue Nov 03, 2009 6:31 pm

Or, more succinctly:

Tuxedo Mark - See Not Sanity Safe
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Grimley Fieendish
Grimley Fieendish

Join date : 2009-09-07
Age : 60
Location : Currently, running a Ski Resort on Hoth

The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary   The Why God Why (Formerly GAFF) Dictionary EmptySat Nov 07, 2009 3:59 pm

Keith Fraser wrote:
Or, more succinctly:

Tuxedo Mark - See Not Sanity Safe

Nice one, Keith... [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
The only snag being that someone might be tempted to insert this definition for Not Sanity Safe, into the dictionary...
Not Sanity Safe - See Tuxedo Mark...
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