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 Non-Fiction Help: Food and Culture

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Join date : 2009-06-10
Location : computer chair

Non-Fiction Help: Food and Culture Empty
PostSubject: Non-Fiction Help: Food and Culture   Non-Fiction Help: Food and Culture EmptyTue Sep 15, 2009 11:55 pm

I need a guinea pigvolunteer for a paper that I need to write for one of my classes. I need to start collecting data very soon so that there's plenty of time. I will probably collect data from more than one person, just in case something comes up and one individual can't continue due to lack of time / computer problems / platypus invasion / whatever.

For anyone who might be interested:

For any paper I do, you will have a pseudonym. While I might need demographic information such as age, state or country, and rural/urban, and such, I will tell you exactly what is needed and if you aren't comfortable with that, it will be left out. I will make every endeavor to keep you anonymous. Any questions I ask, you would not have to answer. Anything you're uncomfortable with will not be done.

Luckily, what I need isn't something that's taboo to talk about in most cultures. I need to talk to you about your food.

Paper for Food and Culture:

I need to do an interview on Skype. Or for someone in the US, the telephone if that's what you would prefer. I will be asking questions about the food habits you grew up with, how the food around you has changed since your childhood (For example, when I was a child, you couldn't buy jicama or tamarind anywhere, and now they're at many grocery stores), and your own food habits. I'd prefer someone either outside of the US or part of a subculture inside the US with distinct food habits, or someone who's old enough to have seen many changes in the diets of their peers and the younger generations.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact me via PM.
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