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 Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!)

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Join date : 2009-06-03
Age : 34
Location : a hell of his own creation.

Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!) Empty
PostSubject: Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!)   Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!) EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 11:29 pm

Ok, Nihilist, Raine, Khan, and I were discussing bizare cross-over ideas, when I suggested Friends/Star Trek TNG. I started to roleplay it. Things spun out of control.
unskilled78 : [Troi] Captain...I sense no intelligent life on that planet."
unskilled78 : [Picard] Mr. Worf, seperate the saucer section, and crash the stardrive section into that planet."
unskilled78 :[Worf] Sir?
unskilled78 : I'm taking no chances.
Nihilist :[?] That's really fucking stupid, Captain
unskilled78 : That...thing.. is as much a threat to our species as the borg.
Nihilist :[Data?] Well, we can't do much if Riker and Troi are still on that planet partying with Rachel
Nihilist : much boobage
unskilled78 : Mister Data, how would you like to become my number one, complete with all the "privilges" therein?
unskilled78 : Computer, select a random child on board the enterprise, and connect me to it.
Nihilist : [Data] I am programmed for multiple techniques, a broad variety of pleasuring
unskilled78: Kid, can you spout obvious phrases like "I sense anger" when we are being fired upon?
unskilled78 : [Child] yep. I shore can, captain.
unskilled78 : Excellant, you're hired.
Nihilist :But captain, what are you going to do about commander Riker?
unskilled78 : As of now, you are acting Commander Data.
Nihilist : Dr. Crusher is going to be upset, Wesley is still down there as well
Nihilist: you know we could just contact them and beam them up, Captain
Unskilled78: No, I can't have the enemy know what we're planning.
Nihilist: but they're not intelligent, as you said Captain
[color=blue]Nihilist: they will amount it to witnessing a remnant of Pop Culture, nothing more or attribute it to the liquor

Unskilled78: I suppose. All the same, activate encryption scheme Tango-Sierra 11.
Nihilist: Aye, Captain. Preparing crew for beam-up
Nihilist: Okay, they're all here, still want to blow this planet up?
Unskilled78: Terminate it with extreme prejudice.
Nihilist: separating stardrive section
Unskilled78: Make sure we're at a safe distance.
Nihilist: okay, we're crashing the saucer into Earth in 3...2...1...
Nihilist: Oh, I already calculated that, Captain.
Unskilled78: I don't know who would forget such a thing...
Nihilist: BOOOOOOOM.
Unskilled78: wrong section, Mr. Data.
Nihilist: ah, shitsticks.
Unskilled78: The Saucer Section has most of the crew-quarters.
Unskilled78: , but the Stardrive section has the warp-drive (Anti-matter) & photon torpedoes.
Nihilist: I appear to have had the instructions mixed, up, my apologies Captain.
Nihilist: I was supposed to launch the stardrive into the planet, not the saucer.
Nihilist: again my apologies
Unskilled78: Mister Data, has my offer of l'amore so discombobulated you?
Drabbler : [Joey] "You Klingons think you could *bleep*ing mess with me? Well, say hello to my photon torpedos!"
Nihilist: Why, I am not sure, Captain.
Nihilist: You did make me feel quite happy and worthwhile there.
Unskilled78: Tell Me, Mister Data, have you ever read the classic book "A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"?
Nihilist: Why yes, Captain.
Nihilist: Well captain if I did possess real feelings, I would say you made me feel quite happy and worth it and it made me lose a bit of forethought.
Unskilled78: Very Good. I'll be in my ready room. Riker, you have the dick----er bridge.
Nihilist: May I join you in the ready room, Captain?
Unskilled78: by all means, Livingston is quite a voyeur.
Nihilist: Very apt, Captain. As you know I am programmed with a variety of sexual techniques. Which would you prefer?
Unskilled78: Pick a random one from the human-male compatible category.
Unskilled78: Variety is the spice of life.
Nihilist: Ah, yes captain. Would you like to go reverse cowgirl?
Unskilled78: As my French ancestor said at Trafalgar, Yippie-kie-yay, motherfucker.
Nihilist: Yes captain, just give me a few minutes to dress into something more comfortable.
Unskilled78: Computer, play music file Picard-Gamma-Alpha-Picard.
Nihilist: Okay, I am ready, naked and ready to service you Captain.
Unskilled78: Authorization: "Who's your daddy? Suck IT!"
Nihilist: This music is quite nice, Captain.
Unskilled78: Veryyy good, Mister Data.
Unskilled78: Merde. Have you been working out, Mister Data?
Nihilist: Why yes, I appreciate you noticing my efforts, Captain.
Unskilled78: Natasha Yar didn't know what she was giving up.
Nihilist: Ah, yes, Tasha.
Unskilled78: Oh, Data! Do me like I was Tasha.
Nihilist: She was quite attractive, Captain, but I find you more fulfilling. I hope you find the same for me.
Unskilled78: Certainly, Your penis fits in my anus much better than hers did.
Nihilist: Ah, well you knew of her secret then, Captain?
Nihilist: Also, your anus is quite taut.
Nihilist: It does not take much of a penis to fit it.
Unskilled78: Of Course. How do you think a woman got so close to commanding a starship?
Nihilist: True, true.
Unskilled78: They must "prove" that they really want the job. and that they have the "skills" for it.
Nihilist: Now I am going to move up and down to massage my penis against your anal walls, captain
Unskilled78: Please, continue
Nihilist: I will move at a variable rate so as to keep you excited.
Unskilled78: Engage!
Nihilist: Thrusters engaged!
Unskilled78: Oh, Livingston, you've gone and messed your tank again.
Unskilled78: and we both know how hard fish-love-juice is to clean up...
Nihilist: most certainly..
Nihilist: Captain, I feel as if I may expel fluids into your anus. Shall I proceed?
Unskilled78: Mister Data, Will I bear a cyborg child as a result of this?
Nihilist: No, captain. I am sterile, but possess the means to rid myself of old fluids
Unskilled78: Very Well. Fire off whatever phalton-topedos you wish
Nihilist: Aye aye, captain. But are you insinuating that you want a cyborg child?
Nihilist: That is something I simply cannot provide.
Unskilled78: No, When I was assimilated by the Borg, the queen apparently extracted some of my seed and used it to create drones.
Unskilled78: Two days ago, Starfleet received a transmission from a "DUC&P" stating I was remiss in child support.
Nihilist: Oh, I apologize. I have simply not remembered that incident, and am surprised that you remember as well, Captain.
Unskilled78: Mister Data, I do not expect any of my crew to be perfect, even you.
Nihilist: So I am guessing that all your wages are garnished to support these drones?
Unskilled78: No, apparently Starfleet has something called the Kirk fund, which is a part of the "black budget" for just such a situation.
Nihilist: Oh, I am aware of that, what a waste of money that is.
Nihilist: So how else shall I pleasure you today, Captain?
Unskilled78: Why, Mister Data. I do believe it is my turn to pleasure you.
Nihilist: Ah, well thank you, Captain
Unskilled78: So, how may I please you?
Nihilist: Well, I have already pleasured my penis, in the act of pleasuring you.
Nihilist: So if you so desire, you may pleasure my own anus and tease my testicles.
Unskilled78: Very Well. To boldy go where no man has gone before.
Nihilist: You know I am a virgin?
Unskilled78: I have no idea where that came from. it just pops into my mind, every week or so.
Nihilist: Oh, never mind.
Unskilled78: Your anus caresses my penis so well, Mister Data. Tell me, did Doctor Soong intend for this use?
Nihilist: Most certainly, captain. He even tested it himself, on many an occasion.
Nihilist: It had to be perfect for him, so am I safe in assuming you both have the same girth and length of penis, captain?
Unskilled78: It would seem so. One of life’s many, wonderful coincidences
Nihilist: Not as if I would expect you to know. Your penis is quite pleasurable, infinitely more than Dr. Soong's.
Nihilist: It must be an extra bit of code in my programming.
Unskilled78: Thank you, Mister Data.
Nihilist: Captain, would you mind engaging a bit harder?
Unskilled78: I'll do my best, Mister Data.
Nihilist: I appreciate it very much.
Unskilled78: I apologize, but my sinews and muscles are not as good as they once were.
Nihilist: That is alright, captain, you being inside me activates something I've never "felt" before
Unskilled78: Why Mister Data, I do believe I have, to quote an early 21st century euphuism, broken your ass-cherry
Nihilist: Now I cannot remember if I can become pregnant with human children, captain, but I am willing to take that risk for you.
Nihilist: Now is that semen in my anus? Logic dictates so.
Unskilled78: YES!
Unskilled78: YES!
Nihilist: My instruction set does not include programming for moans. I guess I am supposed to be a quiet fellow.
Nihilist: And I wish Q were here.
Unskilled78: It takes all kinds, Mister Data.
Nihilist: It's only natural that it would, Captain.
Dr. Professor Science : ... But I am here, Mon Capitaine.
Unskilled78: Q! Perfect timing.
Nihilist: Why- it's Q!
Nihilist: Q, were you watching the entire time?
Nihilist: If so, it is quite intriguing.
Dr. Professor Science : No, not at all. Your human activities are very strange.
Unskilled78: Well, Mister Data, out of all the wonders of the galaxy, I am sure your penis is the only one that would fit in my anus.
Nihilist: But I am not human and am only responding as my programming dictates.
Nihilist: Why thank you, Captain
Dr. Professor Science : My penis can fit any anus I so please.
Nihilist: So this is a human activity you do not find so strange, Q?
Nihilist: Q, so can you please demonstrate how your penis can fit any anus?
Dr. Professor Science : The Q reproductive cycle takes ten thousand years and is not so... messy. Messiness is fitting, however, considering the way humans act the rest of the time.
Unskilled78: This is hardly reproduction, Q. This is simple pleasure.
Nihilist: I am unable to reproduce, Q.
Dr. Professor Science : How strange and... oddly provocative.
Unskilled78: By comparison to your normal state, I'm sure your interactions with us seem far more messy.
Nihilist: Admit it, you want to join in and interact, if you know what I mean
Unskilled78: Why, Mister Data, I did not know you had mastered the art of a double entendre
Nihilist: I was practicing just for an occasion like this, Captain. Deanna Troi seems to be an excellent teacher in that regard.
Unskilled78: Yes..I suppose she would
Nihilist: My apologizes, Captain.
Dr. Professor Science : I suppose
Unskilled78: No, I don't mean that in any negative way
Dr. Professor Science : It's not a form of human interaction I am familiar with.
Dr. Professor Science : However, I am certain that my penis can take on any shape you so wish.
Unskilled78: The openness her culture has regarding sex would make her quite an expert, or so Commander Riker would state, when I've slipped a few sodium penthanol tablets in his synthehol.
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Dr. Professor Science
Dr. Professor Science

Join date : 2009-06-25
Age : 33
Location : One of the guys with the giant papier-mâché dongs in Lysistrata

Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!)   Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!) EmptySun Jul 26, 2009 4:44 am

Do you think we should continue this over on the roleplaying forum?

With other characters available to other people, of course.

... or maybe it's done and over. Up to you lot.
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Challenge Winner!
Challenge Winner!

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Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!)   Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!) EmptySun Jul 26, 2009 4:52 am

I'm never talking crossover ideas with you guys ever again.


Oh, who am I kidding? That was great.
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Root Admin
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Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!)   Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!) EmptySun Jul 26, 2009 9:43 am

I'm up for it if you guys are. Nihilist & I go RPing (With [Dr. Prof.] SCIENCE!) 611762
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