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 Super Duper Scrubbed Edit of Our 50 Shades Reading

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Why yes, I am a Rocket Scientist!
Why yes, I am a Rocket Scientist!

Join date : 2009-06-14
Age : 45
Location : Punching Udina.

Super Duper Scrubbed Edit of Our 50 Shades Reading Empty
PostSubject: Super Duper Scrubbed Edit of Our 50 Shades Reading   Super Duper Scrubbed Edit of Our 50 Shades Reading EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 4:31 pm

Ok... so I have been playing around with an audio editing program and have figured out a way to get the audio tracks from the reading down to a manageable size and length.

I have also scrubbed out any and all references to personal information but kept in the funny. Let me know what you think.

50 Shades Readings
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Super Duper Scrubbed Edit of Our 50 Shades Reading
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