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 Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian

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Join date : 2014-01-06
Location : US

Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian Empty
PostSubject: Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian   Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian EmptySat Feb 07, 2015 12:01 pm

Oh fuck, I finally have free time to show you all something awful again? Happy day! The forum is dead? Who fucking cares, no one reads this shit anyway! 8D

Let's get back into the swing with something esoteric and weird, but I don't want to exert myself too much too soon, so we'll take it slow with something a bit less harsh than shota-snuff. (Also, expect a new entry in The Cruelest Boner sometime soon as well.)

For this particular sporking, we'll partake in a little tale called 'Hints of female nudity, with paranoia'
by fallenenjimon on good ol' FanFiction(.)Net. It's a Tiny Toon Adventures fanfic that was never finished, and I chose it purely because of the description:

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AR. Babs is having a crisis with her emotions, she has a choice of savors; her former boyfriend Buster or an unusual love-intrest. (Shoujo-aifemslash.)

'Savors'. Mmm. Quality right from the git. LET'S DIVE IN.

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Brown eyes, blue with contacts in.


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That's what she often saw when she looked into a mirror, shiny and clear with a strange innocence within them.

She hated them, she hated herself.

Oh shit, it's one of THOSE stories. You know. The kind we all wrote in the privacy of our own homes and promised to never actually post anywhere. The kind where you totally projected all of your pathetic, childish agony into whoever you felt best 'personified' it. Yeah... They shouldn't have posted this on that principle alone.

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Sixteen years old and beyond confused, one minute she was laughing it up with her former boyfriend and show biz partner now she was angsting in her bathroom emotionally tearing herself apart.

I wish I could have had my own bathroom when I was sixteen. :c

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A smile crossed her furry face, she was depressed and drowning in a sea of self hate.

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It's such a cliche' she thought, her fingers were gripping the sides of the sink a little tightly as if she was going to fly away if she realized her feelings were natural.
I hate meta jokes.

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But she was a toon, such things were looked down on when you're a toon.

To be fair, even the human beings in this universe are essentially made of rubber, so... Why exactly would being a furry negate her feelings?

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Why did I fight with him? Babs kept on smiling as she left the bathroom, the memory of the fight kept playing over in her head.
It driven a wedge between her and Buster is far there was no mending the damage.
Sighing she went into her room, all most time for school and she still hasn't got dressed.

So, who is she making the big show of smiling for? The walls??

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How did our lives change so much? Babs thought, over the course of two years after Tiny Toons Adventure was canceled Acme Acres fell into the hands of outside influences.
Such as the action junkies, animeshon otaku (Animation hardcore fans), overseas businesses and Bladerunner fanatics.

What about the lame angst junkies who write contrived stories about Babs Bunny? The anger is suspiciously absent on that account.

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This resulted in the town's renewal as a anime fan's wet dream, tall buildings, computer terminals everywhere, high technology and cat girls galore.

This is dumb.

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Along with the new structures a new name was in place, Acme Acres was now Neo-Tokyo.

This is the dumbest thing ever.

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Neo-Tokyo was also a haven for criminals, which meant there was drug dealers, bank robbers, psycho killers around every corner.

This is always what happens when you allow the unwashed masses access to the concept of 'moe'. I don't even know why they needed to explain.

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To combat this the police started to use mechanized armour, cyber suits as they are called. This only made the problem even worse as the criminals got worse.

This is the most original and interesting sci-fi setting of all.

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Out the door and onto the streets Babs headed for the school.
She too one last deep breath before going down the path she've taken for oh so long.
This is the day of Babes Bunny.

Huh? Oh. Right. Babs is in this.

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First trip was to the lockers, where she found Sherli Aloon and Plucky talking about some dance at the end of the month.

So we can just make up the spellings for character's names now? I thought the advent of the internet was meant to STOP this shit from happening.

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Babs, who would normally jump in and give her input but the mention of Buster and another girl made her sick.

Wait... Did we miss a line? I don't think we did, but all of a sudden there's a conversation going on without anyone saying anything. And remember, it's all based on a cartoon known for its jokes. Jokes... Like my life.

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Babs quietly slid by them without being knowdist, the next place she head to was math class.

> knowdist

I'm worried about this country.

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Nothing eventful happened there or in Computer class, nor in languages.


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Nothing happened until after lunch where Babs met her.
"Hello, Fifi" Babs said in the best French she could muster, "how are you doing?"

Mmmm. No introductions. And Babs somehow not having known Fifi already. Way to keep up the facade of canon, Author. It's like we're IN Ac-- WHOOPS, I MEAN NEO-TOKYO. BECAUSE THAT'S A GREAT NAME.

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Fifi giggled and spoke in broke English, "Al'right, moi is, how do you say, searching for a date for the dance."

Her English is barely more broke than the author's.

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A smile twitched Babs' face, but she mentally smacked it off before Fifi saw it.

"I'm sure you'll find someone, Furball or Hampton maybe?" Babs placed a hand onto Fifi's shoulders.
So soft an- Babs snapped out of those thoughts, she placed on a reinsuring smile.
"Furballs got someone and I can't get a hold of Hampton, but thank you."


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Fifi gave Babs a quick hug and walked towards her class.
Babs dodged into a nearby bathroom, she checked under the stalls and then locked the door.
You're pathetic Babs thought as she looked into the mirror, she taken off her school uniform's jacket and placed it onto another sink so it wouldn't get wet.
She's straight, you are messed up. Turning the water on she splashed some water onto her face, she looked into her eyes.
Arching her fist back and letting it rip she made the glass shatter, she still saw her eyes.
Washing away what blood that leaked out of her cuts she had on more thought before finishing the school day.
So cliche'.

For a fanfiction about this supposed romance, there wasn't much of it.

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I bet a lot of you readers are wondering why I am doing a Shoujo-ai (girl love) story in the Tiny Toons universe?
Well the idea came over me one night playing with my HTML editor and I started to type.
What came out is the begining of what you are reading.
Plus it has been kind of dead in this section for while too.

… Thanks for telling us this ENTIRELY NECESSARY STORY, AUTHOR. IT WAS COMPLETELY NOT A WASTE OF TIME. It doesn't even succeed as some weird, obsessive fetish story because the worldbuilding is nonexistent, the interesting content is -179%, and it ISN'T EVEN DONE. Which is probably okay. I guess we'll find out later.
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Join date : 2011-01-22

Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian Empty
PostSubject: Re: Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian   Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian EmptySat Feb 07, 2015 6:46 pm

Of course, she expresses her deep-rooted angst through cutting! Because that plot-device hasn't been run so far into the ground, it's come up the other side.

And yeah, I know, this is paint-job on the Titanic type criticism, but Tiny Toons proved that cartoon characters will only age/deteriorate from lack of people laughing at their cartoons. So why aren't Babs's cuts like immediately healing up?

Seriously, when I read another "She/He cuts to express their deep-rooted pain" shtick, I can't help but think of various indestructible superheroes trying their hands at it. Like Clark Kent, as a teenager trying to impress the goth chicks by being all emo, only to be thwarted as the blade shatters when it tries to cut through his skin.

Just once, can we have self-destructive character, I don't know, drink heavily?
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Behind Blue Eyes
Behind Blue Eyes

Join date : 2009-06-06
Age : 42
Location : The Forest

Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian Empty
PostSubject: Re: Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian   Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian EmptySun Feb 08, 2015 6:14 am

Self cutting bunnies isn't enough. We also need self pie making bunnies.

'cos Wabbit Pie is mighty tasty.
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Join date : 2014-01-06
Location : US

Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian Empty
PostSubject: Re: Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian   Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian EmptyMon Feb 09, 2015 12:57 pm

Mouse wrote:
And yeah, I know, this is paint-job on the Titanic type criticism, but Tiny Toons proved that cartoon characters will only age/deteriorate from lack of people laughing at their cartoons. So why aren't Babs's cuts like immediately healing up?

See, this is why I hate this story. It goes out of its way to mention canon, but it has no regard for it. It's not like they couldn't have just written something to make it work within the constraints of canon, because that would take, like, effort.

Mouse wrote:
Seriously, when I read another "She/He cuts to express their deep-rooted pain" shtick, I can't help but think of various indestructible superheroes trying their hands at it. Like Clark Kent, as a teenager trying to impress the goth chicks by being all emo, only to be thwarted as the blade shatters when it tries to cut through his skin.

Let's see if I remember enough DC lore to correctly draw that scene...

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Mouse wrote:
Just once, can we have self-destructive character, I don't know, drink heavily?

But the author of this work is clearly under legal drinking age (or was when this was written... Again, this is me hoping.). How would they know how alcoholism works?
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Join date : 2014-01-06
Location : US

Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian Empty
PostSubject: Re: Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian   Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian EmptyMon Feb 09, 2015 1:10 pm

Knorg wrote:
Self cutting bunnies isn't enough. We also need self pie making bunnies.

'cos Wabbit Pie is mighty tasty.

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Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian Empty
PostSubject: Re: Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian   Babs Bunny: Supposed Lesbian Empty

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