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 Two Teens Rob and Beat to Death 88 Year Old WWII Vet

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2 posters
Mikey Go WOOGA
Mikey Go WOOGA

Join date : 2009-06-16
Age : 34
Location : In desperate pursuit of lulz.

Two Teens Rob and Beat to Death 88 Year Old WWII Vet Empty
PostSubject: Two Teens Rob and Beat to Death 88 Year Old WWII Vet   Two Teens Rob and Beat to Death 88 Year Old WWII Vet EmptyFri Aug 30, 2013 1:32 am


Quote :
Adams-Kinard and another juvenile, who police have not named, are accused of killing Delbert Belton, 88, a veteran and pensioner, outside an Eagles lodge in Spokane last Wednesday night.
Clearly, gun control saved this old man's life. Colbert

Quote :
Belton is white and the assailants were black, but police say they do not believe the crime was racially motivated.

Eric Holder says that he's too starved for attention to give a damn about facts, and is planning an investigation into possible hate crime charges. Except he totally isn't because the victim is white.
Two Teens Rob and Beat to Death 88 Year Old WWII Vet 961878 

And then things went Breaking Bad.

Quote :
One of the 16-year-olds charged in Washington state with the killing of a World War II veteran reportedly suggested Tuesday that the attack came after the veteran shorted him and another teen on a sale of crack cocaine.
Because what the hell else are you going to do when you're 88 years old? It's this or wave your penis at traffic and claim dementia.

Which you can do when you're 23. I've heard.

Quote :
The paper pointed out that Spokane police said they have no evidence to support the drug deal claim.
Aw. I was really hoping it'd turn out that he was the biggest drug kingpin in North America and Al Pacino could have played him in a movie based on his life's story.

Because seriously, Al Pacino has to be about 88 by now. Two Teens Rob and Beat to Death 88 Year Old WWII Vet 723337 

Quote :
The teens will be tried as adults, and Spokane County District Judge Debra Hayes on Tuesday ordered Adams-Kinard moved from a juvenile jail to the Spokane County Jail.
Once again, we can't execute them because the Supreme Court is full of sissy little girls.

Also, Washington may or may not have the death penalty in the first place. I don't know, research/Google is a pain in the ass it's goddamn 2 AM I'm going to bed.
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Join date : 2009-07-18
Location : Wild Gray Yonder

Two Teens Rob and Beat to Death 88 Year Old WWII Vet Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Teens Rob and Beat to Death 88 Year Old WWII Vet   Two Teens Rob and Beat to Death 88 Year Old WWII Vet EmptyFri Aug 30, 2013 1:45 pm

WA? Lethal injection or hanging.
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Two Teens Rob and Beat to Death 88 Year Old WWII Vet
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