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 Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida.

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Lady Anne
King Bee
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King Bee
King Bee

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Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida.   Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 12:34 pm

Seems pretty silly to me:

Quote :
When Florida lawmakers recently voted to ban all Internet cafes, they worded the bill so poorly that they effectively outlawed every computer in the state, according to a recent lawsuit.

In April Florida Governor Rick Scott approved a ban on slot machines and Internet cafes after a charity tied to Lt. Governor Jennifer Carroll was shut down on suspicion of being an Internet gambling front -- forcing Carroll, who had consulted with the charity, to resign.

Florida's 1,000 Internet cafes were shut down immediately, including Miami-Dade's Incredible Investments, LLC, a café that provides online services to migrant workers, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

The owner, Consuelo Zapata, is now suing the state after her legal team found that the ban was so hastily worded that it can be applied to any computer or device connected to the Internet, according to a copy of the complaint obtained by The Miami Herald.

The ban defines illegal slot machines as any "system or network of devices" that may be used in a game of chance.

And that broad wording can be applied to any number of devices, according to the Miami law firm of Kluger, Kaplan, Silverman, Katzen & Levine, who worked with constitutional law attorney and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz.

The suit maintains that the ban was essentially passed "in a frenzy fueled by distorted judgment in the wake of a scandal that included the Lieutenant Governor’s resignation" and declares it unconstitutional.

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Lady Anne
Lady Anne

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Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida.   Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 9:15 pm

Ah, Florida. Making the rest of the U.S. feel smart since 1845.
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Recovering Fanbrat
Recovering Fanbrat

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Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida.   Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 10:56 am

They should just make Florida illegal and get it over with.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida.   Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 12:23 pm

King Bee wrote:
Seems pretty silly to me:

Quote :
When Florida lawmakers recently voted to ban all Internet cafes, they worded the bill so poorly that they effectively outlawed every computer in the state, according to a recent lawsuit.

In April Florida Governor Rick Scott approved a ban on slot machines and Internet cafes after a charity tied to Lt. Governor Jennifer Carroll was shut down on suspicion of being an Internet gambling front -- forcing Carroll, who had consulted with the charity, to resign.

Florida's 1,000 Internet cafes were shut down immediately, including Miami-Dade's Incredible Investments, LLC, a café that provides online services to migrant workers, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

The owner, Consuelo Zapata, is now suing the state after her legal team found that the ban was so hastily worded that it can be applied to any computer or device connected to the Internet, according to a copy of the complaint obtained by The Miami Herald.

The ban defines illegal slot machines as any "system or network of devices" that may be used in a game of chance.

And that broad wording can be applied to any number of devices, according to the Miami law firm of Kluger, Kaplan, Silverman, Katzen & Levine, who worked with constitutional law attorney and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz.

The suit maintains that the ban was essentially passed "in a frenzy fueled by distorted judgment in the wake of a scandal that included the Lieutenant Governor’s resignation" and declares it unconstitutional.

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Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. 199471  I....I just have no words.
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Mikey Go WOOGA
Mikey Go WOOGA

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Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida.   Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 5:56 pm

Chris91 wrote:
King Bee wrote:
Seems pretty silly to me:

Quote :
When Florida lawmakers recently voted to ban all Internet cafes, they worded the bill so poorly that they effectively outlawed every computer in the state, according to a recent lawsuit.

In April Florida Governor Rick Scott approved a ban on slot machines and Internet cafes after a charity tied to Lt. Governor Jennifer Carroll was shut down on suspicion of being an Internet gambling front -- forcing Carroll, who had consulted with the charity, to resign.

Florida's 1,000 Internet cafes were shut down immediately, including Miami-Dade's Incredible Investments, LLC, a café that provides online services to migrant workers, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

The owner, Consuelo Zapata, is now suing the state after her legal team found that the ban was so hastily worded that it can be applied to any computer or device connected to the Internet, according to a copy of the complaint obtained by The Miami Herald.

The ban defines illegal slot machines as any "system or network of devices" that may be used in a game of chance.

And that broad wording can be applied to any number of devices, according to the Miami law firm of Kluger, Kaplan, Silverman, Katzen & Levine, who worked with constitutional law attorney and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz.

The suit maintains that the ban was essentially passed "in a frenzy fueled by distorted judgment in the wake of a scandal that included the Lieutenant Governor’s resignation" and declares it unconstitutional.

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Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. 199471       I....I just have no words.

SO WHY DID YOU POST? Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. 57923 
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Armbiter of Good Fanfiction
Armbiter of Good Fanfiction

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Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida.   Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 7:12 pm

I imagine a conversation like this happened...

"Oh fuck, the Lieutenant Governor's honor is now in shambles! How do we respond to this in the most unjustifiable manner?"
"Let's ban things!"
"Great idea! Who hasn't written a bill, yet?"
"Simmons hasn't had a chance sir."
"Great! Simmons! Give us something that bans network terminals!"
"After four hours of drooling and banging your head on a keyboard, it can't be nothing short of genius!"
"Shouldn't we check it over just in case?"
"No time! Let's get this sucker passed and not worry about this happening ever again!"
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Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida.   Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida. Empty

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Computers & Smartphones are officially banned in Florida.
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