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 Overclocked Remix

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Overclocked Remix Empty
PostSubject: Overclocked Remix   Overclocked Remix EmptyTue Jul 09, 2013 5:19 pm

I've been a video game nerd for some time now, so once I got the internet and found out that a generous handful of people spend an awful lot of their time making remixes of game music, I jumped all over it. The talent from that site has gone from making 15 techno remixes a week of Dr. Wily's level music from Mega Man 2 to doing actual for real soundtracks. Somewhere along the way, they decided to release the occasional concentrated album, usually revolving around a theme or a specific soundtrack. The albums tend to be hit or miss, but I can usually find a few gems in there. Plus they're free, and that's hard to argue with. I don't visit the site often, usually once every few months to see what they've come up with. Well, I visited there recently, and they had come up with this:

I've aged enough to be able to say that FF6 isn't my favorite RPG (Earthbound) or even the best Final Fantasy (9), but it does invoke the strongest positive nostalgia of any game I can think of. Especially the music.

The albums from OC Remix tend to be pretty varied in genre, and this new one isn't an exception. In fact, it's more wildly varied than older ones have been, I'm sure due to the fact that they kickstartered a couple burlap sacks with dollar signs on them to pay for some studio recording time.

They do an Encio Morricone thing

A big movie soundtrack style thing that reminds me a lot of Danny Elfman

Dirty jazz that is apparently inspired by Miles Davis (I wouldn't know)

A version of Terra's Theme that uses a real life 120 piece orchestra

Plus this rock opera that I can't seem to recover from

I would be pretty surprised if I was the only person here who listened to this stuff, does anyone else have a favorite remix or whatever that they remember?
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Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 39
Location : West Peoria, IL

Overclocked Remix Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overclocked Remix   Overclocked Remix EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 1:09 pm

I know you're not the only one here who listens to this stuff - for one thing, I do, and have you seen how many recommendations in the Antidote Muzak thread are from video game OSTs? Willing to bet some of those folk do, too.

I definitely have downloaded OCR stuff in the past, especially Zelda-related remixes. Like this one:

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Join date : 2011-01-11

Overclocked Remix Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overclocked Remix   Overclocked Remix EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 3:47 am

Not done by Overclocked, but I LOVE this remix of the theme tune for one of the best RPGs ever made:

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Exodia's Right Leg
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Exodia's Right Leg

Join date : 2009-08-04
Age : 38
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Overclocked Remix Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overclocked Remix   Overclocked Remix EmptyThu Sep 12, 2013 1:09 pm

I've been listening to OCR stuff since 2002, back when the site was just a sideshow to djpretzel's horrible webcomic, video game reviews and emulation scene rants.
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PostSubject: Re: Overclocked Remix   Overclocked Remix Empty

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