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 My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS.

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Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 35
Location : My sexual fantasty world

My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. Empty
PostSubject: My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS.   My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. EmptyWed Jun 10, 2009 10:00 pm


My Inner Life is by a crazy fanbrat by the name of Link's Queen.

Quote :
. I started having dreams about Hyrule, and about Link. In a Lucid
Dream you can control your dreams. The dreams became very real, kinda like
a second life, and almost every night I would have another. Starting from
where the last left off. Even to this day I still have them. I find that
they help me get through life. I know this may sound queer, but for me the
dreams sure help me out. I have shared this story with many other people
and so far all has liked it. Now as you read this it is told from my perspective
or first person view.

You will find that it is very detailed since I remember it all very clearly
to this day. The story takes place after OoT. Nothing after that ever happens.
No Majora's Mask. No LttP, or even Oracle of Ages and Seasons. And there
is no love relation between Link and Zelda, Link and Ruto, Link and Malon
or Link and Saria. Because of my feelings about Link, the person that he
gets involved with in this story is myself or actually is my persona. A persona
is for those of you who need to know, a representation of ones personality,
or in dictionary terms is, (Persona) n. In biology, same as person. So for
all you future readers, this story is based on Jenna, a char that is a representation
of my personality.
Basically, she's batshit insane.

And persona is just a fancy word for self insert.

Quote :
But please understand that this is very PRECIOUS to me, as well as Link.
Keep telling yourself that.

Quote :
Beware of the abult language! It'll come out of the darkness and attack when you least expect it!

Quote :
Man, I wish my parents had taught me to conductive myself with manors. I just love those big houses.

Quote :
It is your choice as the reader to read the content
of this story and it is not my fault if it upsets you when you knew from
the gecko what it contained.
This fic must be really special if geckos are telling me what it contains.

Quote :
I have found that many of the reviewers
that have left me malicious reviews honestly believe that its appropriate
behavior for an adult. When it really is that they are too self-absorbed
in themselves to admit their wrong.
Because writing a fic about your supposed life with Link isn't self-absorbed at all. Rolling Eyes

Here's something from the actual fic:

Quote :
Next the head monk explained
that to strengthen the bond further we had to drink each other's body fluids.
My eyes widened and jaw dropped, at the thought of that. But we were reassured
that it was perfectly harmless. I looked at Link and he nodded in agreement.
He placed his hand on mine and a wash of comfort ran over me. I nodded that
I was ready and we were handed two small cups and told we had to urinate
in it.

It was hard to do what was
requested, but as I did what I had to do a small feeling of uneasiness tingled
inside me. When I sat back down, Link had already finished and placed his
cup down in front of him. I then placed mine down in front of me and waited
for what to do next. The head monk said a few words then we were told to
exchange the cups and drink from them. Link went first and I watched as his
face twisted slightly as he drank from the cup. Then I took my cup, slowly
lifted it to my lips, and crinkled my nose as I drank from it. A sour taste
was left behind after I finished. Next we were told to close our eyes and
hold hands. The monk began to chant in an unknown tongue. As he chanted I
felt a presence around me. Something like a spirit, but I was not quite sure.
A warm feeling filled inside me, like being next to a fire. And I felt at
peace......felt a calm......Then I could feel Link again.......felt his body
against mine, even though our hands were the only things touching.
Remember, kids! Piss-drinking rituals are very romantic and sexy.

I wonder if Link's Queen has ever actually tried drinking piss before.

Quote :
Then I felt myself starting to climax
again. I cried out to Link, grunting like a female tiger to urge him on.
He returned my calls as cat like sounds escaped passed his lips.
If there's anything more annoying than screaming during sex, it's making animal sounds.

And I'm trying to understand that last sentence. It seems to me that Link was making phone calls while a cat that likes sounds escaped and passed by his lips.

The fic is really long and there's plenty to snark, even though it's unfinished. I guess she either stopped having those lucid dreams or her parents had her locked up for believing that her dreams were real.
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Join date : 2009-06-10
Location : Washington DC

My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS.   My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. EmptyWed Jun 10, 2009 10:02 pm

Ah yes, the piss-drinking and tiger-fucking dreams of Link's Queen.
This is one where I forget about it and cant possibly understand how.
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Sara Jaye
Sara Jaye

Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 41
Location : Above a bookshop.

My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS.   My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. EmptyThu Jun 11, 2009 11:03 am

I really need to get back to MSTing that thing. XD
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Join date : 2013-08-15
Age : 36
Location : USA

My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS.   My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. EmptySun Aug 18, 2013 8:19 am


I love this badfic.

I used to be a Link fangirl almost as bad as Link's Queen. But I was a kid, what's her excuse?

Speaking of kids, the most frightening part of this fic is that Link is still mentally ten years old, if you think about it.
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Join date : 2012-10-15

My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS.   My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. EmptyTue Aug 20, 2013 12:42 pm

Honestly, that's what kills me about Oot fic and premise in general. Why couldn't they have just let him live out his life instead of sleeping for 7 years; I know gameplay wise it's for the time travel mechanic but still...I've always thought Young Link was about twelve or thirteen in the games, WWL/Toon Link being about 18 but the art style making him look childish.
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Join date : 2013-08-15
Age : 36
Location : USA

My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS.   My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. EmptyWed Aug 21, 2013 8:55 am

Kakashifan727 wrote:
Honestly, that's what kills me about Oot fic and premise in general. Why couldn't they have just let him live out his life instead of sleeping for 7 years; I know gameplay wise it's for the time travel mechanic but still...
That's a good point. But maybe if he wasn't being watched over by Rauru while asleep, Ganondorf would have found him? Orrrrr he could pull a Sheik? The Zelda series just likes knocking people out, I guess.

This fic, though. Ye gods, this fic.

I love how the Suethor goes out of her way to point out that there are no romantic relationships between Link and Zelda,Malon,Ruto, or Saria. Whether they are or not, that is left up to the individual player.   I read a quote from the author from TV Tropes that she no long give one single gram of fuck about this fic anymore. (My words,  not hers.) I fee like being an asshat and asking her "So...did you and Link split up? Who took the kids?"

Actually there's a songfic called Broken Wings that tells what happened. Think Romeo and Juliet.
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Join date : 2012-10-15

My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS.   My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. EmptyThu Aug 22, 2013 8:58 pm

I figure he could trave3l and learn more skills/diplomacy. Maybe he did train while asleep and TP has the warrior/gold wolf guy....but then again I forget if TP is based off of MM timeline or whatever. I never thought of the Zelda games as having timelines either; just giving nods to past games just for fun, etc.
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Join date : 2013-08-15
Age : 36
Location : USA

My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS.   My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 9:12 am

Fans theorized for years insisting that the stories of each game were linked somehow and finally Nintedo made an official timeline.

Here's part 1 a nice video that explains it. The third part of this video series talks at length about the timeline theories and then the official one.

So if Jenna only exists in the adult timeline, she's the reason Link didn't appear to stop Ganon. Jenna flooded Hyrule. Way to go.
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My Inner Life, complete with lucid dreams about piss-drinking rituals. NWS. Empty
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