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 Django Unchained

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Exodia's Right Leg
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
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Exodia's Right Leg

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Django Unchained - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Django Unchained   Django Unchained - Page 3 EmptyTue Mar 05, 2013 12:28 pm

Lady Anne wrote:
Reepicheep-chan wrote:
Um... librarians do not really... teach? That compairison is completely without meaning.
I deal with students of all races (predominantly Hispanic, but lots of other groups, too) all day, every day. I do teach, just not officially. I am in a position of power over the kids--and I don't give a shit about their races. I've heard it all: "You hate me because I'm black." "You hate me because I'm Mexican." "You hate me because I'm white." No matter what kids say, the answer is the same: "The bell has rung. Go to class!"
Just don't get too complacent. It's not the racism that does you in - most people aren't scumbags. It's the casual complacence of thinking you're enlightened by default.
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Lady Anne
Lady Anne

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Django Unchained - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Django Unchained   Django Unchained - Page 3 EmptyTue Mar 05, 2013 9:46 pm

Exodia's Right Leg wrote:
Lady Anne wrote:
Reepicheep-chan wrote:
Um... librarians do not really... teach? That compairison is completely without meaning.
I deal with students of all races (predominantly Hispanic, but lots of other groups, too) all day, every day. I do teach, just not officially. I am in a position of power over the kids--and I don't give a shit about their races. I've heard it all: "You hate me because I'm black." "You hate me because I'm Mexican." "You hate me because I'm white." No matter what kids say, the answer is the same: "The bell has rung. Go to class!"
Just don't get too complacent. It's not the racism that does you in - most people aren't scumbags. It's the casual complacence of thinking you're enlightened by default.
I don't know that I'm particularly enlightened. Mostly I'm just out of patience.

I heard a new variation today: "You hate me because I'm a fish." scratch
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Django Unchained - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Django Unchained   Django Unchained - Page 3 EmptyMon Jun 24, 2013 11:51 am

I just saw this movie last night as I don't go out much to movies, and it came up on the Netflix queue. This movie was god damn intense, and entertaining. I agree with Movie Bob's take on it completely; the acting was filled with layers upon layers. The only part I got upset about, I completely understood...


The use of the word nigger was appropriate for the times, though it did seem excessive to me. Samuel L. Jackson's character made me want to tear my hair out, as when Django was being a hard ass to other slaves, you knew it was an act, something he didn't necessarily want to do, but did because it got him closer to his goal. SLJ's character was not an act, but a willing sycophant.
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