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 Celebrian, or why none of us like the color lavender

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Mr. Comic Book
Harley Quinn hyenaholic
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Harley Quinn hyenaholic
Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach
Harley Quinn hyenaholic

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Celebrian, or why none of us like the color lavender - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrian, or why none of us like the color lavender   Celebrian, or why none of us like the color lavender - Page 2 EmptySun Jul 06, 2014 9:03 am

After a long time of avoiding it, almost forgetting it, and finally thinking, "Okay, well it couldn't have been that bad, right? I've written lots of horrific rape since then; I can handle it," I read it again.

I have been reminded of why I didn't read it for so long.

I'm crying now, btw.
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The Duke of Spook
The Duke of Spook

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Celebrian, or why none of us like the color lavender - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrian, or why none of us like the color lavender   Celebrian, or why none of us like the color lavender - Page 2 EmptyTue May 12, 2015 3:53 am

Whoever made this fanfic had quite the interest in LOTR and off color beef curtains.
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Celebrian, or why none of us like the color lavender
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