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 Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes

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3 posters
Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

Join date : 2009-06-10

Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes Empty
PostSubject: Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes   Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes EmptyThu Jun 16, 2011 7:58 am

So this is really old and I might be the last person on the internet to not have seen them. But just in case, I would like to show you Rodney and John re-interpreted as Calvin & Hobbes.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes   Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes EmptyThu Jun 16, 2011 8:55 am

Well, if you're not that last, I am. Those are adorable! I miss SGA, especially when they run re-runs. Well, they did sort of lose the thread at the end, so maybe it was for the best. (Why was it absolutely necessary for Keller to be paired off? They didn't do that with Beckett, or to use a female example, Teyla. Why couldn't she just be a character?)

I've watched SG-1, and I have to admit that I loved SGA more, mainly for the dynamic between McKay and Sheppard. They were kind of Calvin & Hobbes-ish.
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Join date : 2009-06-11
Age : 35
Location : Dark Corner

Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes   Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes EmptyThu Jun 16, 2011 9:39 am

If we're the last, then we're in good company.

Lapin wrote:
Well, if you're not that last, I am. Those are adorable! I miss SGA, especially when they run re-runs. Well, they did sort of lose the thread at the end, so maybe it was for the best. (Why was it absolutely necessary for Keller to be paired off? They didn't do that with Beckett, or to use a female example, Teyla. Why couldn't she just be a character?)

Yeah, the Keller thing was blah and ugh. I think in part it was the writers' love for the actress.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 35
Location : Maryland

Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes   Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes EmptySun Jun 19, 2011 8:33 pm

I love her too. She was Kaylee, after all. I just don't understand why this character seemed to exist solely to be a love interest, if they liked her so much. No one else got that treatment, not even other women. Why didn't they make her kickass like Weir, Teyla, Cadman, and Carter? They were actual characters. She just...wasn't.
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PostSubject: Re: Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes   Stargate Atlantis = Calvin & Hobbes Empty

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