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 John Edwards indicted

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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

Join date : 2009-06-13
Age : 57
Location : Salem, Mass., USA

John Edwards indicted Empty
PostSubject: John Edwards indicted   John Edwards indicted EmptyFri Jun 03, 2011 9:20 am

Turns out there really are two Americas....the one that wants to put John Edwards on trial for past campaign misdeeds, and the one wants to skip the trial and just hang him for being an Orange Alert-level asshole. The not-so-good senator's just been indicted on six criminal counts related to his attempts to hide his affair with Rielle Hunter during his 2008 presidential bid...

Quote :
Edwards charged in felony indictment

Mike Baker And Nedra Pickler, Associated Press – 23 mins ago

RALEIGH, North Carolina – A federal grand jury indicted two-time presidential candidate John Edwards on Friday over $925,000 spent to keep his mistress and their baby in hiding during the peak of his 2008 campaign for the White House.

The case of USA v. Johnny Reid Edwards contains six counts, including conspiracy, four counts of illegal campaign contributions and one count of false statements.

The indictment said the payments were a scheme to protect Edwards' White House ambitions. "A centerpiece of Edwards' candidacy was his public image as a devoted family man," the indictment said.

"Edwards knew that public revelation of the affair and the pregnancy would destroy his candidacy by, among other things, undermining Edwards' presentation of himself as a family man and by forcing his campaign to divert personnel and resources away from other campaign activities to respond to criticism and media scrutiny regarding the affair and pregnancy," the indictment added.

The indictment and an arrest warrant were filed in Greensboro, N.C., which is in the district where his campaign was headquartered.

Long story short: The American legal system is about to give Edwards a well-deserved and long-overdue beatdown for using taxpayer funds to step out on his late wife and then lying like a cheap rug about it afterwords.

Hope you like wearing orange jumpsuits, Senator. Razz
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Rabid Badger
And This is Why I Need Medication
And This is Why I Need Medication
Rabid Badger

Join date : 2009-06-10

John Edwards indicted Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Edwards indicted   John Edwards indicted EmptyFri Jun 03, 2011 8:21 pm

He's still claiming he didn't do anything wrong. And I stumbled across a political blog in which the writer believes his indictment is a conspiracy engineered by President Obama to keep Edwards from running against him in the next election. Because we all know he's a viable candidate and would totally represent a threat to him, right? scratch
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

Join date : 2009-06-13
Age : 57
Location : Salem, Mass., USA

John Edwards indicted Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Edwards indicted   John Edwards indicted EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 8:16 am

Edwards couldn't get elected dog-catcher at this point. John Edwards indicted 611762
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John Edwards indicted Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Edwards indicted   John Edwards indicted Empty

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