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 One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers

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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers Empty
PostSubject: One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers   One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers EmptyMon Apr 25, 2011 8:32 am

In a rare victory for common sense in Hollywood, one of Charlie Sheen's so-called 'goddesses' has decided to give him the gate. He broke the news yesterday during the Fort Lauderdale leg of his Violently Misfiring Torpedo of Half-Truths tour....

Quote :
Sheen's 'goddess' dumps him via text message
Actor reveals the breakup during Florida show

Breaking up is hard to do.

Unless you have a good texting plan and you're Bree Olson.

The now former goddess of Charlie Sheen decided to throw in the towel on her three-way relationship.

Olson and girlfriend No. 2, Natalie "Natty" Kenly, had been accompanying the actor on his 20-city "My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not an Option" tour, to offer up their talents a.k.a. a long, girl-on-girl kiss onstage.

But during his show in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., yesterday, Sheen answered a fan's question about how he and his two goddesses were doing by saying, "Not well, because one left." Sheen wished Olson well, but did admit that her goodbye arrived in a text, according to the New York Post.

This isn't the first time Olson was questioned on separating from Charlie, but we guess this is the real deal.

Which raises the question, is losing in love, still winning?

Now if Chuck Lorre can just embarrass Sheen into refunding some of the salary they wasted on him during his run on "Two And A Half Men", we can call it a day. One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers 961878
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Recovering Fanbrat
Recovering Fanbrat

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One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers Empty
PostSubject: Re: One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers   One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers EmptyTue Apr 26, 2011 9:40 pm

Kudos to her for finally seeing sense. Now if we could just get him into serious treatment . . .
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Join date : 2009-07-18
Location : Wild Gray Yonder

One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers Empty
PostSubject: Re: One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers   One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers EmptyWed Apr 27, 2011 1:49 am

Nobody cares.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers Empty
PostSubject: Re: One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers   One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers EmptyWed Apr 27, 2011 11:40 am

EileenK98 wrote:
Kudos to her for finally seeing sense. Now if we could just get him into serious treatment . . .

The chances are better of Michael Moore addressing next year's Republican National Convention. One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers 611762
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Lady Anne
Lady Anne

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One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers Empty
PostSubject: Re: One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers   One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers EmptyWed Apr 27, 2011 12:43 pm

Chris91 wrote:
EileenK98 wrote:
Kudos to her for finally seeing sense. Now if we could just get him into serious treatment . . .

The chances are better of Michael Moore addressing next year's Republican National Convention. One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers 611762
Moore might well address the RNC if asked. They wouldn't like what he had to say, though...
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

Join date : 2009-06-13
Age : 57
Location : Salem, Mass., USA

One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers Empty
PostSubject: Re: One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers   One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers EmptyWed Apr 27, 2011 5:45 pm

Well, he doesn't like them all that much either.... Wink
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One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers Empty
PostSubject: Re: One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers   One of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" hands him his walking papers Empty

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