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 Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life

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Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Chief Cook and Bottle Washer

Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 44
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Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life Empty
PostSubject: Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life   Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life EmptyThu Apr 07, 2011 10:02 am

College dropout lands plum civil service job.

Quote :
Just in his mid-20s, Brian Deschane has no college degree, very little management experience and two drunken-driving convictions.

Yet he has landed an $81,500-per-year job in Gov. Scott Walker's administration overseeing environmental and regulatory matters and dozens of employees at the Department of Commerce. Even though Walker says the state is broke and public employees are overpaid, Deschane already has earned a promotion and a 26% pay raise in just two months with the state.

Yeah, the same Governor Walker that has spent the first 2 months of his term blasting public sector workers as overpaid, lazy and shiftless. The hypocrisy is almost off the meter here, folks.

Quote :
His father is Jerry Deschane, executive vice president and longtime lobbyist for the Madison-based Wisconsin Builders Association, which bet big on Walker during last year's governor's race.

The group's political action committee gave $29,000 to Walker and his running mate, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, last year, making it one of the top five PAC donors to the governor's successful campaign.

Oh, what's a little graft between friends? I mean, it isn't like he killed anyone or anything. He just got a little too wasted, is all... Rolling Eyes

So when this little bit of corruption was discovered Deschane was demoted back to the $60,000 a year job he had before.

Quote :
On Tuesday, Walker abruptly reversed course and bumped Deschane from his appointed position overseeing dozens of employees at the Department of Commerce. The move comes one day after the Journal Sentinel disclosed details of the appointment...

Starting Wednesday, the younger Deschane will return to his job as a bureau director at the state Department of Regulation and Licensing, a post he took in mid-January at an annual salary of $64,728. His promotion led to a 26% increase in his pay.

And the people he "beat out" for that job?

Quote :
The first, Oscar Herrera, is a former state cabinet secretary under Republican Gov. Scott McCallum with a doctoral degree and eight years' experience overseeing the cleanup of petroleum-contaminated sites.

The second, Bernice Mattsson, is a professional engineer who served since 2003 in the post to which Deschane was appointed.
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Join date : 2009-07-19

Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life   Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life EmptyThu Apr 07, 2011 4:20 pm

I'm beginning to think Scott Walker is some kind of reincarnation of Daffy Duck. Along with his impotent rage at demonstrators and Democratic State Senators exercising their right to filibuster his pet legislation, using any dirty trick to get what he wants and we now get "Consequences, schmonsequenses, as long as I'm my donors are rich."

He's a cowardly little duck.
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Join date : 2009-06-03
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Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life   Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life EmptyThu Apr 07, 2011 4:45 pm

His weight has what to do with this?
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Join date : 2009-07-18
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Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life   Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life EmptyThu Apr 07, 2011 5:15 pm

Quote :
The first, Oscar Herrera, is a former state cabinet secretary under Republican Gov. Scott McCallum with a doctoral degree and eight years' experience overseeing the cleanup of petroleum-contaminated sites.


At least, I'm assuming the above reaction is what led to this decision.
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Armbiter of Good Fanfiction
Armbiter of Good Fanfiction

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Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life   Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life EmptyThu Apr 07, 2011 6:09 pm

Cyberwulf wrote:
His weight has what to do with this?

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Mikey Go WOOGA
Mikey Go WOOGA

Join date : 2009-06-16
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Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life   Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life EmptyThu Apr 07, 2011 7:51 pm

Cyberwulf wrote:
His weight has what to do with this?

There's some famous line from a movie or something (I forget what, exactly) where a man tells some fat, drunked idiot, "fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

The thread title is a play on that. Kindly relax your anus.
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Join date : 2010-01-21

Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life   Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life EmptyFri Apr 08, 2011 12:32 pm

Mikey, the post immediately above yours pointed out the exact same thing like an hour and a half before you came along. Are you even reading the thread or did you just see Cyberwulf post and immediately rush to the bottom in your haste to correct her?

OT: Honestly, given how the overwhelming majority of Republicans conduct themselves, I'm not surprised at the blatant nepotism on show here. In the past few years, though, it has seemed like they hit a new low every time you look at them.
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Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life   Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life Empty

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Apparently fat, drunk and stupid *is* a way of going through life
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