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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 10:20 am

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Keeper of the Gaffapedia
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 20, 2009 4:07 pm

I found two gems in the transport section.
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Vehicles can indeed be dangerous if you're not careful with them but never mind the safety aspect, the fact that having a car might just possibly be considered unattractive is the real issue.

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Of course, a request to slow down is out of the question. scratch
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The Unoriginal
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
Shitgobbling pissdrinker
The Unoriginal

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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 20, 2009 6:09 pm

I was uncertain whether to post this here or in Loony door-to-door religions, but I encountered it on Yahoo! Answers so there it goes.

This guy who goes by the name of "A_Friend_of_Jehovah" is the bane of the Religion & Spirituality section. He's been banned, insulted, has had his questions cloned and trolls named after him, his own 'brothers' sicced the seniors on him and yet he keeps coming back for more. This is one of the most memorable and for a while it spurred a profusion of toucan beaks on users' avatars, not all of them in appropriate places.

Quote :
THE TOUCAN'S BEAK: is it the outcome of chance or of a project by Jehovah?

The toucan, who lives in Central America and South America, not being a good flyer moves mainly by jumping.
The song of some species resembles that of a frog, but is stronger and can also be heard a kilometer away in the forest. But the
characteristic of the toucan perhaps most striking for scientists is the beak.


The beak of certain species of toucan is longer than one third of the animal. It seems heavy, but it is not.
Marc Andre Meyers, who teaches Material Engineering, explains:

"The surface layer is made of keratin, the same substance that makes up nails and hair .... It consists of several layers of small hexagonal tiles that overlap like the tiles of a roof. "

The consistency of the toucan's beak was compared to that of a hard sponge. Some parts are hollow, while others are made up of bony fibers and membranes. The result is a light beak with extraordinary power.

'It is as if the toucan knew the principles of mechanical engineering to perfection," says Meyers.

The structure allows the toucan beak to absorb heavy impacts. Scientists believe that engineers of the aviation and automotive industry could take it as a model.

"The components of a vehicle that mimic the structure of the beak of the toucan can offer better protection to motorists involved in an accident," says Meyers.


Wake up! January 2009, page 17


In your opinion:

The toucan's beak, light but strong at the same time: Is it the outcome of chance or of a plan by God?

Thank you in advance for any reply and comment.

Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 199471
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Rabid Badger
And This is Why I Need Medication
And This is Why I Need Medication
Rabid Badger

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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 20, 2009 8:08 pm

The Unoriginal wrote:
I was uncertain whether to post this here or in Loony door-to-door religions, but I encountered it on Yahoo! Answers so there it goes.

This guy who goes by the name of "A_Friend_of_Jehovah" is the bane of the Religion & Spirituality section. He's been banned, insulted, has had his questions cloned and trolls named after him, his own 'brothers' sicced the seniors on him and yet he keeps coming back for more. This is one of the most memorable and for a while it spurred a profusion of toucan beaks on users' avatars, not all of them in appropriate places.

Quote :
THE TOUCAN'S BEAK: is it the outcome of chance or of a project by Jehovah?

The toucan, who lives in Central America and South America, not being a good flyer moves mainly by jumping.
The song of some species resembles that of a frog, but is stronger and can also be heard a kilometer away in the forest. But the
characteristic of the toucan perhaps most striking for scientists is the beak.


The beak of certain species of toucan is longer than one third of the animal. It seems heavy, but it is not.
Marc Andre Meyers, who teaches Material Engineering, explains:

"The surface layer is made of keratin, the same substance that makes up nails and hair .... It consists of several layers of small hexagonal tiles that overlap like the tiles of a roof. "

The consistency of the toucan's beak was compared to that of a hard sponge. Some parts are hollow, while others are made up of bony fibers and membranes. The result is a light beak with extraordinary power.

'It is as if the toucan knew the principles of mechanical engineering to perfection," says Meyers.

The structure allows the toucan beak to absorb heavy impacts. Scientists believe that engineers of the aviation and automotive industry could take it as a model.

"The components of a vehicle that mimic the structure of the beak of the toucan can offer better protection to motorists involved in an accident," says Meyers.


Wake up! January 2009, page 17


In your opinion:

The toucan's beak, light but strong at the same time: Is it the outcome of chance or of a plan by God?

Thank you in advance for any reply and comment.

Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 199471

Wait, God has ongoing projects? Doesn't that go against the fundamentalist belief that all animals, and the Earth, and humans, were created exactly as they are today? This is slipping perilously close to admitting that Evolution DOES exist. And we certainly can't have that, now can we? :lolinsane:
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 20, 2009 8:19 pm

Fairlight wrote:
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Of course, a request to slow down is out of the question. scratch
...Is it bad that the first thing that comes to mind reading that is Transformers porn?

I know I'm going to end up blaming one of you for this.
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 21, 2009 11:27 pm

Quote :
Join the army or marines? (ladies preffered)?
which branch do you prefer more?

(ladies only) would you rather date a marine, an army soldier or either one?

im trying to decide which to join and i know i shouldnt choose based on which branch branch gets more girls. i do like the dound of being able to call myself a marine and not a soldier though. thank you

:suspect: Oh my god. Some people are beyond dumb.
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Rabid Badger
And This is Why I Need Medication
And This is Why I Need Medication
Rabid Badger

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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 22, 2009 3:16 am

T.S.Orr wrote:
Quote :
Join the army or marines? (ladies preffered)?
which branch do you prefer more?

(ladies only) would you rather date a marine, an army soldier or either one?

im trying to decide which to join and i know i shouldnt choose based on which branch branch gets more girls. i do like the dound of being able to call myself a marine and not a soldier though. thank you

:suspect: Oh my god. Some people are beyond dumb.

So this idiot assumes that women just want to date men who are members of the armed forces? No getting to know each other or going out on a couple of dates to see if you're compatible? Just "Oh Look, it's a Marine! I must have him!"?

And what's wrong with the Air Force or the Navy? They deserve dates too!
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Join date : 2009-07-18
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 22, 2009 3:52 am

Rabid Badger wrote:
So this idiot assumes that women just want to date men who are members of the armed forces? No getting to know each other or going out on a couple of dates to see if you're compatible? Just "Oh Look, it's a Marine! I must have him!"?

That, uh. That actually happens, sadly enough. Whether it's a "man in uniform" fetish or "Heeey, government health care!", there's a reason military members are encouraged to seek dates as far away from the base as possible.

Same goes for female military members, too. Although from what I've seen they seem more likely to marry other military members than go out and find TRUE LOOOOVE in a club within walking distance from the main gate.

Quote :
And what's wrong with the Air Force or the Navy? They deserve dates too!

I suspect mainly because this kid wants to be a Tuff Guy but knows he doesn't have what it takes to be a Navy SEAL, and he probably doesn't have a clue about Air Force jobs that involve combat and aren't fighter pilots. (This is why he's leaning towards Marines instead of Army.) Plus, you know, there's just no beating the Marine service dress uniform. If you're a marine and you can't get laid, you can't get laid at all. Hell, there was actually a case not too long ago where some real marines caught an idiot in a marine uniform cruising for chicks.

On top of that, the Navy uniforms have become a lot less impressive lately (anyone seen that godawful black-and-tan uniform they all wear now?). Meanwhile, I've actually been mistaken for an airline pilot in my blues.

Plus, both branches have less than desirable reputations if you're trying to get chicks: The Navy is gay, and the Air Force is full of fat desk jockeys.

TL;DR: This kid is retarded.
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Join date : 2009-07-21

Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 22, 2009 4:16 am

Penguin wrote:
Rabid Badger wrote:
So this idiot assumes that women just want to date men who are members of the armed forces? No getting to know each other or going out on a couple of dates to see if you're compatible? Just "Oh Look, it's a Marine! I must have him!"?

That, uh. That actually happens, sadly enough. Whether it's a "man in uniform" fetish or "Heeey, government health care!", there's a reason military members are encouraged to seek dates as far away from the base as possible.

....I can see you staring at me. I'm in the room, you know! Crying or Very sad
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 22, 2009 9:51 am

I will admit, that despite my respect for the military due to having had a military family, for like, ever, the Marines uniform is very uh, visually appealing.

Very much so.
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 22, 2009 9:42 pm

Penguin wrote:

Plus, both branches have less than desirable reputations if you're trying to get chicks: The Navy is gay, and the Air Force is full of fat desk jockeys.

If only this fool knew. We have our version of the SEALS and Marines it's called SEREs. What I'm seriously torn between them and Security Forces.

Lapin wrote:
I will admit, that despite my respect for the military due to having had a military family, for like, ever, the Marines uniform is very uh, visually appealing.

Oh God yes! Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 831506
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 4:30 am

Penguin wrote:
Plus, both branches have less than desirable reputations if you're trying to get chicks: The Navy is gay, and the Air Force is full of fat desk jockeys.
and British SAS is a subset of the RAF, IIRC.
T.S.Orr wrote:
If only this fool knew. We have our version of the SEALS and Marines it's called SEREs. What I'm seriously torn between them and Security Forces.
Do they call all their Ops. Srs/SERE-s Bznz? Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 831506

I'd wank about not being allowed in the military because of my Jekyll-Hyde personality Razz, but I'm too tired. Just use your imagination.

(No, I don't want to fire off the guns in all the lady-parts out there, but the M-16A1, or the M-81A2)
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 5:15 am

T.S.Orr wrote:
If only this fool knew. We have our version of the SEALS and Marines it's called SEREs. What I'm seriously torn between them and Security Forces.

You could always go for SERE and re-class into Security Forces if you wash out. It's really tough, though. One of the trainees in my basic flight was one of those all-out heroic types, seemed absolutely unstoppable. He was just that awesome, and he was going in for SERE. Unfortunately, he got hurt in SERE training and washed out.

If you go for any of the special forces jobs: SERE, Pararescue, Combat Control, TAC-P, be damn careful. There was even one poor bastard in my avionics training squadron who made it all the way through TAC-P training and then broke his ankle on a fun run just before graduation.
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 6:32 am

Lapin wrote:
I will admit, that despite my respect for the military due to having had a military family, for like, ever, the Marines uniform is very uh, visually appealing.

Very much so.

Compared to German uniforms, all American uniforms kick ass. There was a reason why I used to watch "JAG" almost every Sunday afternoon and it certainly wasn't the, erm, riveting story lines.
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Sorsa A. Jänis
Sorsa A. Jänis

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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 6:48 am

I like Irish uniforms they are hot. At least those which are used by riders.
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 10:32 pm

Penguin wrote:
T.S.Orr wrote:
If only this fool knew. We have our version of the SEALS and Marines it's called SEREs. What I'm seriously torn between them and Security Forces.

You could always go for SERE and re-class into Security Forces if you wash out. It's really tough, though. One of the trainees in my basic flight was one of those all-out heroic types, seemed absolutely unstoppable. He was just that awesome, and he was going in for SERE. Unfortunately, he got hurt in SERE training and washed out.

If you go for any of the special forces jobs: SERE, Pararescue, Combat Control, TAC-P, be damn careful. There was even one poor bastard in my avionics training squadron who made it all the way through TAC-P training and then broke his ankle on a fun run just before graduation.

I can't go for Pararescue, Combat Control or Tactical because I don't have the right gender parts. Bah. As for Security Forces I'd still love to go into that but they are phasing out the Law Enforcement side of SF and it's becoming more like Infantry. Not my type of thing at all. So currently, I'm looking at other jobs but still keeping SF in mind.

The only aspect of SERE that I'd hate would be teaching the other people shit. I'm not a teacher type at all aside from helping my six year old cousin with his homework (but then again he's smarter than most 10 year olds). Nor, do I have the patience to teach because when someone fucks up I'd want to smack them with a clue bat or yell at them.
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 24, 2009 10:01 am

Kinda-sorta. They're gonna split it to be the way it used to be, so they'll have Combat Forces (infantry lite) and Security Police (MPs).

What're you going in for now?
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 24, 2009 11:36 am

Rabid Badger wrote:
grmblfjx wrote:
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Dear God in Heaven, no one could be that stupid, could they?

Whatever happened to just gargling with (not swallowing) salt water?
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The Gender Offender
The Gender Offender

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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 24, 2009 12:34 pm

People forgot how to make salt water.
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Hot and Botherer
Hot and Botherer

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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 24, 2009 2:01 pm

Verandering wrote:
People forgot how to make salt water.

Well sheesh not everyone can cook!
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 25, 2009 7:58 am

grmblfjx wrote:
Verandering wrote:
People forgot how to make salt water.

Well sheesh not everyone can cook!

Oh, and it works better if the water is warm. Does anyone here have a recipe for boiled water?
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 25, 2009 1:23 pm

I didn't think I'd find something dumb enough to post here, but here you go:
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PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 25, 2009 4:50 pm

I'm really hoping that "Mullets rule" is a troll. His spelling, grammar, and syntax are too good for him to seem like someone who really believed that bullshit.
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Join date : 2009-07-18
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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 8:32 am

Trioculus wrote:
I'm really hoping that "Mullets rule" is a troll. His spelling, grammar, and syntax are too good for him to seem like someone who really believed that bullshit.

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Armbiter of Good Fanfiction
Armbiter of Good Fanfiction

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Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time   Yahoo!Answers: where the blind lead the blind, 10 points at a time - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 12:38 pm

Penguin wrote:

Sorry, guys. This is the answer.
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