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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 12:25 pm

Slade. Yes, that's right, Slade. They were popular when I was a teenager and I still listen to them now.

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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 2:33 pm

Lady Gaga.

I don't care if she has a penis or not or whatever, she is gorgeous and for some horrible reason I love her music. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Also, seconding the Emilie Autumn thing. And the MCR thing. And the Disney thing, and the Fall Out Boy thing, and... good god I listen to a lot of crap.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 6:20 pm

Lexin wrote:
Slade. Yes, that's right, Slade. They were popular when I was a teenager and I still listen to them now.


If I also admitted to liking glam rock cheese-mongers like T. Rex, Gary Glitter, and the Sweet, I think it goes without saying that I like Slade too. Though I never really got into them as much as T. Rex or the Sweet. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 6:50 pm

Nihilist wrote:
Mr.Doobie wrote:
Lexin wrote:
Slade. Yes, that's right, Slade. They were popular when I was a teenager and I still listen to them now.


If I also admitted to liking glam rock cheese-mongers like T. Rex, Gary Glitter, and the Sweet, I think it goes without saying that I like Slade too. Though I never really got into them as much as T. Rex or the Sweet. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

That song's by Quiet Riot, though.

Nope. It's by Slade. Learn you some music!

Quote :
I like 80s hair metal

I like some songs by Poison, and I like me my Motley Crue, and a couple of cult glam metal bands (Hanoi Rocks, Faster Pussycat, and the Last Vegas to be specific). However, I think Dokken and Ratt are atrocious (I find Nickelback and Hinder to be their modern-day equivalent), and I have to agree with Kurt Cobain when he said that Bon Jovi were evil.
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Challenge Winner!
Challenge Winner!

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Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 8:00 pm

Nihilist wrote:
I have a soft spot for Twisted Sister, their videos make me laugh.

I always liked that song, but when I saw the video clip for it for the first time... Excitedplz It's probably the funniest music video ever.
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Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 28, 2010 4:51 am

Mr.Doobie wrote:
Lexin wrote:
Slade. Yes, that's right, Slade. They were popular when I was a teenager and I still listen to them now.

That was the first single I ever bought. I was 13. My Mum went mad, because I played it over and over and over again on one of those little record players you used to be able to get.
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Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 10:46 am

*Lady GaGa

*Gwen Stefani, No Doubt "Tragic Kingdom" and beyond (a peice of my high school years that I just can't shake)

*The Sex Pistols (I like punk, but they're kind of...Well, overrated and I get so much shit for liking them. Damned if I don't love Lydon's snarling vocals, though)

*Adam Lambert (it's just one song, ok?)

*Marilyn Manson (Though I've shaved down the selection quite a bit, I still have a few albums in my iTunes. I rarely put it on my ipod or even play it at home. Don't know why I keep it on there....)

I guess that's it...Feel like I'm missing something. Huh... [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

edit: Oh right! Fergie, which I eventually removed from my itunes library because I just couldn't justify "Fergilicious" sharing space with The Cure, Carpathian Forest, AFI, The Misfits, or KMFDM (among many, many others....). It made my brain hurt.

......that and I kinda didn't want my boyfriend to see it because I'd never. live. it. down.
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The Word Police
The Word Police

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Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 11:07 am

Shinracentric wrote:
edit: Oh right! Fergie, which I eventually removed from my itunes library because I just couldn't justify "Fergilicious" sharing space with The Cure, Carpathian Forest, AFI, The Misfits, or KMFDM (among many, many others....). It made my brain hurt.

......that and I kinda didn't want my boyfriend to see it because I'd never. live. it. down.

Oh, I know. I hate that I have an eclectic music taste and that some of my bands and soundtracks don't mesh at all with others. My iPod is, like, such a fashion victim, you guys! Sometimes, I listen to folk rock and then electropop and then the Super Smash Brothers BRAWL soundtrack and I get so mad at myself! I cannot abide the fact that I sometimes like things that aren't high culture. >:-(
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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 11:42 am

Jay/Cris wrote:
Shinracentric wrote:
edit: Oh right! Fergie, which I eventually removed from my itunes library because I just couldn't justify "Fergilicious" sharing space with The Cure, Carpathian Forest, AFI, The Misfits, or KMFDM (among many, many others....). It made my brain hurt.

......that and I kinda didn't want my boyfriend to see it because I'd never. live. it. down.

Oh, I know. I hate that I have an eclectic music taste and that some of my bands and soundtracks don't mesh at all with others. My iPod is, like, such a fashion victim, you guys! Sometimes, I listen to folk rock and then electropop and then the Super Smash Brothers BRAWL soundtrack and I get so mad at myself! I cannot abide the fact that I sometimes like things that aren't high culture. >:-(

I never said everything I listen to is high brow. For god's sake I listen to black metal. Sheesh, but fine I get it. I came off an asshole. Sorry, though I can't say it won't happen again.

Quote :
KMFDM fucking sucks
They suck now, sure, but not always.
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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 11:46 am

Nihilist wrote:
Shinracentric wrote:

Quote :
KMFDM fucking sucks
They suck now, sure, but not always.

You're missing the joke, here. Have you ever listened to any of their self-deprecating songs? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

*relieved face* I actually thought that was what you were refrencing at first but then was like, "oooh wait...maybe not. Lotta folks don't care much for KMFDM these days."
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My spoon is too big.

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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 11:58 am

Ashamed of liking music? Any music? NEVAH. My musical taste varies wildly, but I'm not ashamed of that or of liking any particular bands or anything. You like what you like.
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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 03, 2010 2:02 pm

Nihilist wrote:
Shinracentric wrote:

*relieved face*
Why do you care what I think, though? In the end it's all just music.

I'm young enough to still care about other people's opinions and old enough to know how silly it is.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 03, 2010 5:25 pm

Shinracentric wrote:
*Lady GaGa

*Gwen Stefani, No Doubt "Tragic Kingdom" and beyond (a peice of my high school years that I just can't shake)

*The Sex Pistols (I like punk, but they're kind of...Well, overrated and I get so much shit for liking them. Damned if I don't love Lydon's snarling vocals, though)

*Adam Lambert (it's just one song, ok?)

*Marilyn Manson (Though I've shaved down the selection quite a bit, I still have a few albums in my iTunes. I rarely put it on my ipod or even play it at home. Don't know why I keep it on there....)

There is nothing at all shameful about any of the bands that you've listed*, and as a longtime music buff I will tell you why, one by one...

1) A lot of people seem to forget that before "Hollaback Girl", Gwen Stefani and No Doubt were a pretty respected ska-pop band. "Tragic Kingdom" makes "Best Albums of the 90's" lists all the time. Even during and after "Hollaback Girl" Gwen Stefani was never really a bad musician. In my opinion, she hasn't achieved the same level she reached with No Doubt, but she's definatley not horrible.

2) You do realize you're saying one of the three most important punk bands in history is a guilty pleasure (the other two being the Ramones and the Clash), right? If it wasn't for the Sex Pistols, British punk wouldn't have ignited like it did. They are wholly overrated (particularly Sid Vicious), but almost every really good band is overrated, and you can't deny the impact they had on the punk movement.

3) Marilyn Manson is actually a pretty good musician if you're into that kind of stuff. "Antichrist Superstar", "Holy Wood", and "Mechanical Animals" have been given very positive reviews by almost every critic I've read.

*Technically, there is nothing shameful about any music. Personaly tastes and all that...
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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 10:09 am

Mr.Doobie wrote:

1) A lot of people seem to forget that before "Hollaback Girl", Gwen Stefani and No Doubt were a pretty respected ska-pop band. "Tragic Kingdom" makes "Best Albums of the 90's" lists all the time. Even during and after "Hollaback Girl" Gwen Stefani was never really a bad musician. In my opinion, she hasn't achieved the same level she reached with No Doubt, but she's definatley not horrible.

2) You do realize you're saying one of the three most important punk bands in history is a guilty pleasure (the other two being the Ramones and the Clash), right? If it wasn't for the Sex Pistols, British punk wouldn't have ignited like it did. They are wholly overrated (particularly Sid Vicious), but almost every really good band is overrated, and you can't deny the impact they had on the punk movement.

3) Marilyn Manson is actually a pretty good musician if you're into that kind of stuff. "Antichrist Superstar", "Holy Wood", and "Mechanical Animals" have been given very positive reviews by almost every critic I've read.

*Technically, there is nothing shameful about any music. Personaly tastes and all that...

1) I used to loooove No Doubt when I was a teenager and I still really love their early stuff and like their output overall. Gwen's solo stuff isn't bad per ce, especially her first album, but overall it's just mindless, glittery pop to me. And I despise that "Hollaback Girl" song. Violently, violently hate it. I've only recently started getting into Gwen's solo work and most of the reason why I resisted for so long was that I absolutely hated that song.

2) The Sex Pistols are the Beatles of punk rock.

3)I'd been a Mansonite (oh I denied it if you asked, but I was) from the age of 17 and well into my twenties. Even saw him at the H.o.B in New Orleans when he was on his second leg of his God, Guns, and Gov't Tour and I don't mind saying it was an amazing show. Manson's a great performer...at least he used to be.... The last couple albums have been just so piss poor and all that garbage with Pogo...ugh. While I usually don't let that sort of crap (band/rl drama) get to me when it comes to an artist, I was very sad to see him go. I'm sure I'll eventually put Portrait of an American Family back in my iTunes library, but I think I just need a break for a long while.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 12:45 pm

Shinracentric wrote:
2) The Sex Pistols are the Beatles of punk rock.

I'd have to disagree with you in this respect. I don't think punk rock had a Beatles. Although you could argue that the Beatles were the Beatles of punk rock, because the Beatles are such a heavy influence on popular music across the entire board. The Sex Pistols influence is more aesthetic than musical. The Ramones were the first band to take all the elements of 60's pop, 50's rock, and protopunk and fuse them into the genre that would soon be known as punk (so, arguably, they were the first punk band), the Sex Pistols were the first band to bring in the attitude and the style that would define punk, while the Clash diversified the punk sound and articulated the Sex Pistols blind rage into definitive political statements. Punk is more of a product of those three together than to any one group.

Quote :
3)I'd been a Mansonite (oh I denied it if you asked, but I was) from the age of 17 and well into my twenties. Even saw him at the H.o.B in New Orleans when he was on his second leg of his God, Guns, and Gov't Tour and I don't mind saying it was an amazing show. Manson's a great performer...at least he used to be.... The last couple albums have been just so piss poor and all that garbage with Pogo...ugh. While I usually don't let that sort of crap (band/rl drama) get to me when it comes to an artist, I was very sad to see him go. I'm sure I'll eventually put Portrait of an American Family back in my iTunes library, but I think I just need a break for a long while.

Agreed. But as we learned from other performers who have thrived on controversy and shock value, most of them just can't do it forever. At the end of the day, Eminem is just Marshall Mathers, Alice Cooper is just Vincent Damon Furnier, and Marilyn Manson is just Brian Hugh Warner. For better or worse, that always tends to show through as they get older. Shock rock is typically a young mans game, the gags get old, and those that rely on shock value and are able to be consistently shocking throughout their career are often more extreme and unhealthy personalities. Take GG Allin for example.
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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 05, 2010 9:37 am

Mr.Doobie wrote:
Shinracentric wrote:
2) The Sex Pistols are the Beatles of punk rock.

I'd have to disagree with you in this respect. I don't think punk rock had a Beatles.

Ah, I was just kind of dodging the bullet of a sticky issue. The Sex Pistols are a massive influence on the concept of punk rock, but they're also monumental figures of irony. That and you know...liking punk rock and not thinking much of The Sex Pistols is a bit akin to liking rock music and thinking The Beatles are over rated. Odds are, it's going to spark a huge debate if not a massive argument.

Quote :
Agreed. But as we learned from other performers who have thrived on controversy and shock value, most of them just can't do it forever. At the end of the day, Eminem is just Marshall Mathers, Alice Cooper is just Vincent Damon Furnier, and Marilyn Manson is just Brian Hugh Warner. For better or worse, that always tends to show through as they get older. Shock rock is typically a young mans game, the gags get old, and those that rely on shock value and are able to be consistently shocking throughout their career are often more extreme and unhealthy personalities. Take GG Allin for example.

The thing about Manson is that I think, not that real life has been bleeding too much over into his art, but that he's kind of lost himself in his own character. Part of the reason I loved the band was that Mr. Warner is a very intelligent man. Reading or watching interviews was such a joy because he was insightful and wry. He knew the score all around and now I'm not so sure. I think that he's aging ungracefully as an artist, which is a shame. He seems to be pissed off that his relevance has faded. Instead of using the freedom of...You know, fame and the comfort of wealth to fearlessly explore, he's just whining about the kids stealing his sound (see: "Mutilation is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery").

Ah, GG Allin. I think it's funny that whenever I've heart people talk about him (even fans), I've never heard them talk about how great his music is. Just the poo-flinging.
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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 08, 2010 12:45 pm

Been listening to Flo Rida's "Right round" non stop since last night.
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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 10, 2010 3:04 pm

"Shame" is too strong a word, but I own Eminem's first three albums and never play them any more. He can be funny and satirical, but then he whines about fame and writes songs about murdering his ex-wife and...yeah. I know it's for shock value, but still. It was more acceptable when I was a college student living away from Mammy and Daddy for the first time but not now.

I like Load. Eat that, Metallica snobs.

The only song I would never admit to liking IRL is Do You Wanna Fuck? by Byz.
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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 11, 2010 10:13 am

Cyberwulf wrote:

I like Load. Eat that, Metallica snobs.

Heh, I got worse for you. Had a friend who actually liked S and M.

Regarding Metallica, particularly the newer stuff that aforementioned snobs hate, I don't hate those Misfits covers they did...even if Hetfield's vocals are in full on metal cheese mode.
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Knight of the Bleach
Knight of the Bleach

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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 11, 2010 11:22 am

Cyberwulf wrote:
"Shame" is too strong a word, but I own Eminem's first three albums and never play them any more. He can be funny and satirical, but then he whines about fame and writes songs about murdering his ex-wife and...yeah. I know it's for shock value, but still. It was more acceptable when I was a college student living away from Mammy and Daddy for the first time but not now.

Really? I'm not making fun of you or anything. But that just kind of seems odd, seeing as, if I remember correctly, you're pretty dead set against anyone using the terms "slut", "bitch", "cunt", or "whore". And Eminem uses those words in gads.
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Tungsten Monk
Tungsten Monk

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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 11, 2010 11:24 am

I really, really like . . . Gilbert & Sullivan. Late 1800s British comic opera. Sorcerers, fairies, Peers of the Realm, pirates, the Mikado of Japan, the whole nine yards. I grew up on the stuff, and I love it to death.

It also marks me as a grade-A geek. My familiarity with it makes it really hard for me to get into several types of modern music, because all I can think about is "W.S. Gilbert would have parodied this so well."
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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 11, 2010 1:06 pm

Mr.Doobie wrote:
Cyberwulf wrote:
"Shame" is too strong a word, but I own Eminem's first three albums and never play them any more. He can be funny and satirical, but then he whines about fame and writes songs about murdering his ex-wife and...yeah. I know it's for shock value, but still. It was more acceptable when I was a college student living away from Mammy and Daddy for the first time but not now.

Really? I'm not making fun of you or anything. But that just kind of seems odd, seeing as, if I remember correctly, you're pretty dead set against anyone using the terms "slut", "bitch", "cunt", or "whore". And Eminem uses those words in gads.

*shrug* It was nine years ago. People change.
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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 11, 2010 3:01 pm

I'm ashamed that I used to like My Chemical Romance. I was an emo little tween.
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Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman

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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 12, 2010 1:01 pm

Shinracentric wrote:
Cyberwulf wrote:

I like Load. Eat that, Metallica snobs.

Heh, I got worse for you. Had a friend who actually liked S and M.

I like No Leaf Clover with the orchestra.
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Recovering Fanbrat
Recovering Fanbrat

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PostSubject: Re: Music You're Ashamed to Like   Music You're Ashamed to Like - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 7:12 am

Have I mentioned my secret love of disco yet?

It's good music to work out to. Yeah, that's my story. Yeah.
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