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 The Bad Anime Thread

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Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 37
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The Bad Anime Thread Empty
PostSubject: The Bad Anime Thread   The Bad Anime Thread EmptyMon Jun 15, 2009 11:29 am

Anime is a diverse medium. Everything possible can be found in it. Of course, this means that a large percentage will be crap. Discuss.

In our college anime club, we watched a charming series titled Bastard!! [Beware, TV Tropes link!] during finals week. We MST'd the hell out of it. It seemed to be trying to hit every single fetish imaginable, doing at least one per an episode, sometimes per the scene. It was so bad we weren't certain when the damsel in distress lost her virginity... which was connected to the plot in some incomprehensible way. Something about a virgin's kiss. This series has it all... even the anti-Christ. I suggest watching it on a rainy day when you want to laugh your guts out then weep into your cup of cyanide.

Bleach. The beginning is great. But, after that story arch, it should have ended. This series just won't die. There are so many supporting character it is impossible to keep track of them all, and the series tries to follow all of them at once! Then, add in all of the filler episodes, and you have a series that moves roughly fifteen minutes per a season. And Ichigo apparently is God. Or Jesus. When will his powers stop frackin' growing? At this point, the supporting characters are more interesting and well developed than him. Someone, please. Do a mercy kill already. Or split it into at least ten different series.

Inuyasha. This series breaks just about every rule there is to writing a good bamf. No one questions the Kagome's strange and scandalizing dressing habits, or weird speech patterns. She has very little trouble with the medieval lifestyle, or with demons under every leaf. And, it should have ended 30 episodes in. Seriously, this series didn't die 'til it ran out of money, and they didn't even try to give it any sort of resolution. It, like bleach, suffers from a massive supporting cast, way too many side-plots, and an annoying frequency of filler episodes.

That should start us off.

Garo 'lass!
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You crack me up, little buddy!
You crack me up, little buddy!

Join date : 2009-06-03

The Bad Anime Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Bad Anime Thread   The Bad Anime Thread EmptyMon Jun 15, 2009 12:33 pm

A friend of mine recently tried to get me to watch Vampire Knights. What a rotten piece of angsty, bishie, pretty boy, androgynous shit that was. It's cliched wish fulfillment garbage for Hot Topic patrons.
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Notomys mordax

Notomys mordax

Join date : 2009-06-03

The Bad Anime Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Bad Anime Thread   The Bad Anime Thread EmptyMon Jun 15, 2009 12:44 pm

In my mind any series that is longer than 50 episodes just asking for trouble. Hell, I don't like series that are longer than 20-30 episodes. There is only so much you can bleed out of a scenario and a cast of characters without making your filler obvious.
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Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman

Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 33
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The Bad Anime Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Bad Anime Thread   The Bad Anime Thread EmptyMon Jun 15, 2009 12:50 pm

I_Lam_Edhellen wrote:
Bleach. The beginning is great. But, after that story arch, it should have ended. This series just won't die. There are so many supporting character it is impossible to keep track of them all, and the series tries to follow all of them at once! Then, add in all of the filler episodes, and you have a series that moves roughly fifteen minutes per a season. And Ichigo apparently is God. Or Jesus. When will his powers stop frackin' growing? At this point, the supporting characters are more interesting and well developed than him. Someone, please. Do a mercy kill already. Or split it into at least ten different series.

This show is my guilty pleasure that should've ended about one-hundred and fifty episodes ago, but I just love it anyway. I'm a pathetic freak with the brain of a twelve-year-old boy. Oh! Explosions! OH MY GOD THEY'RE POWERING UP The Bad Anime Thread 831506

Has anyone seen Gantz?

I'm not all that squeamish, I will tell you, but this anime just... over-the-top, I think. It seriously grossed me out.
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Join date : 2009-06-11
Location : Locked away in Suburban hell

The Bad Anime Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Bad Anime Thread   The Bad Anime Thread EmptyMon Jun 15, 2009 12:53 pm

Oh, Jeez. I could rant for hours about this one.

By far the worst anime I've ever seen is called Check into Ogenki Clinic This hentai is PWP, and the stupid burns like the sun here.

I could only find two brief clips of this trash:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - this is a music video that uses clips from the show. It gives you only a mere taste of the horror that I saw.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - this is a very brief clip that shows a joke from the show. It's as funny as a heart attack. BTW, the person shown there is a GUY.

Next up is Eiken. These people hat the attitude of "We've got a buch of big boobed women, who cares about things like plot, characterization, and writing!?"

Next up: Galaxy Angel Rune. I liked the original series; it was funny and quirky. This one, however, replaces a lot of the fun stuff with bad cheap fanboy service. Part of the problem was that many of the characters were under 18, and at the time it was made (before it was broadcasted) it was okay to do this in certain areas of Japan. Then the Diet passed the lolli law, forbidding all nude depictions of those under 18. Because they didn't have enough time to go back and cover everything up properly, they put a band-aid over the problem.

Further still: Ground Defense-force Mao-Chan! This may have the name Ken Akamatsu (Love Hina, Negima!) attached to it, but rumor has it that this was done by his staff while he was out sailing the world. Little kawaii girls (under 10) and tough, gritty mecha just don't mix.

Continued in next post...

Last edited by quamp on Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2009-06-11
Location : Locked away in Suburban hell

The Bad Anime Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Bad Anime Thread   The Bad Anime Thread EmptyMon Jun 15, 2009 1:13 pm

... continued from last post....

Koharu Biyori. Another one where the stupid burns quite a bit. I really don't see how a baby peeing into a girl's face is funny. (Although I'm sure there's one or two trolls out there that do.)