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 Hillary Rodham invokes 'Executive Privilege' [NWS]

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Join date : 2012-07-08

Hillary Rodham invokes 'Executive Privilege' [NWS] Empty
PostSubject: Hillary Rodham invokes 'Executive Privilege' [NWS]   Hillary Rodham invokes 'Executive Privilege' [NWS] EmptyMon Apr 08, 2013 5:57 pm

Ah, yes. I remember this one. Its too bad I can't seem to find it, otherwise I'd have posted some moments from it. So let us reminisce about what was and what seems to not be now. Including Hillary Clinton as president, Hillary Clinton terrorizing a group of tourists, Hillary shrinking said tourists down and killing them with her vagina...

Also, hey everyone. Long time lurker, but not first time poster. You may remember me as "Cookirini" back in the day...

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Hillary Rodham invokes 'Executive Privilege' [NWS]
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